Jericho Writers Bookshop – Jericho Writers
Jericho Writers
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Frequently asked


How do I cancel my membership?

You are free to cancel your membership at any time and we make it as easy as possible for you to do so (although we’d be sorry to see you go!) 

Just head to your Account page, select ‘Orders’ from the dropdown, then ‘view’ your membership subscription and click the ‘Cancel’ button. This will cancel your recurring card payments.

If at any time you want to come back, that’s fine, too. Just login, go to your Account click on ‘My Subscription’ and re-activate the subscription. 


Title of the question

Answer to your question


Who is this course for?

This Fiction Foundations course is ideal for beginners and for writers who would like a refresher of the essential skills needed for fiction writing. It’s useful for writers of short fiction and novels alike.

This course is suitable if the following apply to you:

  • You like reading fiction and are eager to start writing it yourself
  • You have experience with writing non-fiction or write as part of your job, and would like to explore your creative side
  • You want to get to grips with the basics of story structure and plotting
  • You have writing experience but are keen to improve your writing habits and develop a more effective writing routine
  • You want some insight into the techniques writers use to create compelling characters and fascinating worlds
  • You like experimenting with writing techniques and prompts
  • You’d like to experiment with peer feedback, and you benefit from the discipline of having a deadline
  • You’d like to be part of a small, friendly group of writers in a workshop environment
  • You can dedicate 5-7 hours per week throughout the course’s duration

What will this course teach me?

Over the course, you will learn:

  • How to develop the creative and practical skills that are essential for writing fiction
  • How to explore your potential for writing fiction
  • How to utilise, and experiment with, creative writing prompts
  • How to craft characters and settings, use point of view and time effectively, and enhance your use of plotting and structure
  • How to widen your reading as a writer
  • About the skills professional writers require, such as self-discipline, attention to detail, and the ability to work to a deadline
  • How to use close reading to experience how fiction writers use various skills to engage their readers
  • How to provide peer feedback which is constructive and encouraging
  • How to develop your self-confidence and assess your own work in the build up to writing your final assignment

Who is this course for?

The Creativity For Writers course will benefit writers and non-writers alike.

It’s ideal for writers working in all genres and formats, anyone seeking ideas and inspiration, those interested in creative problem-solving, and anyone seeking to explore their creativity.

This course is suitable if any of the following applies to you:

  • You’re navigating writer’s block, or are in the middle of a project and would like some new perspectives
  • You’d like to feel more inspired as a writer and are eager to expand your range of ideas
  • You’d like to see where curiosity takes you and explore the depths of your imagination
  • You’re eager to develop your problem-solving skills
  • You want to experiment with new creative techniques
  • You’d like to experience peer feedback and benefit from the structure that deadlines provide
  • You’d like to work in a small, friendly, supportive group of like-minded learners
  • You’re able to dedicate 3-5 hours of your time each week in order to complete the assignments

What will this course teach me?

During the course, you will learn:

  • How to cultivate your imagination and evaluate your ideas
  • How to sharpen your observational skills so that you begin to see ideas everywhere
  • How to embrace failure and learn from it
  • How to develop your problem-solving skills and approach problems with a new perspective
  • You will learn about the skills required to make your ideas a reality
  • How to commit to deadlines and use them to your advantage
  • How to explore your ideas in depth
  • How to give effective feedback to others and how to use feedback to your advantage
  • How to assess, improve, and craft your writing

Who is this course for?

Edit Your Novel the Professional way is an advanced-level course, ideal for people who have completed the first draft of a novel, whether that’s a current work-in-progress or a previous draft that you would like to revisit.

This course is suitable if the following apply to you:

  • You have completed the first draft of your novel
  • You’d like to broaden your knowledge of the submission process and the publishing industry
  • You have an MA in writing
  • You’re a published writer and are working on your next novel
  • You’d like to develop some effective editing routines and habits, and focus on your novel writing
  • You’re eager to be part of a small, friendly, supportive group of writers and learners
  • You benefit from the structure that deadlines provide and enjoy peer feedback
  • You have the capacity to dedicate 10 hours of your time each week throughout the duration of the course

What will this course teach me?

Over the course, you will learn:

  • The key skills required to professionally self-edit a novel
  • How to identify and pursue your potential as a writer
  • What the industry expectations are around market, genre, and publishing
  • How to use editing techniques to identify and resolve problems in your writing
  • About the professional and technical aspects of preparing a manuscript for submission to literary agents
  • How to create and edit an agent submission package, consisting of the first 10,000 words of your manuscript, a synopsis, and a covering letter
  • How to further develop the professional skills writers require (attention to detail, the ability to work to deadlines, discipline etc)
  • How to provide others with actionable feedback and receive feedback on your own writing
  • How to develop your critical judgement skills as you self-manage, self-direct, and enhance your project as you work through the course briefs

How do I apply for this course?

It’s important that you and your manuscript are at the stage where you can most benefit from the course.

For this course, we like to review applications to ensure that the course is the best fit for you. To apply, please complete this online form. Your application will be reviewed, and you will receive a response within five working days.

If we confirm your place, you will receive an email about your payment options and the Terms and Conditions. Once your payment has been received, we will email you a receipt and confirm your place on the course and its start date.


Is this a Jericho Writers’ course?

We’re delivering this course in partnership with Professional Writing Academy and Cornerstones. Once you click through to apply for the course, you will be taken to Professional Writing Academy’s website to fill in an application form.


Is this a Jericho Writers’ course?

We’re delivering this course in partnership with Professional Writing Academy. You can find out more about them here. Within 7 working days after paying for the course, you will receive a confirmation email welcoming you to the course, along with the prospectus. Then on the Friday before the course starts we will send you a login so you can enrol on the platform and find some getting started information and an icebreaker exercise to complete before Session 1 opens on the Monday morning.


Is this a Jericho Writers’ course?

We’re delivering this course in partnership with Professional Writing Academy. You can find out more about them here. Within 7 working days after paying for the course, you will receive a confirmation email welcoming you to the course, along with the prospectus. Then on the Friday before the course starts we will send you a login so you can enrol on the platform and find some getting started information and an icebreaker exercise to complete before Session 1 opens on the Monday morning.


Where can I find the full course syllabus?

You can find the syllabus here. If you have any more questions about the course, please do get in touch by emailing


Are you a test FAQ?

Yes, this is a test FAQ. You can find more information here.


Where can I find the full course syllabus?

You can find the syllabus here. If you have any more questions about the course, please do get in touch by emailing


Where can I find the full course syllabus?

You can find the syllabus here. If you have any more questions about the course, please do get in touch by emailing


What is an FAQ question?

Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.

What is an FAQ question 2

Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.

How to get expert advice?

Some content about getting expert advice



The answer copy


Who is this course for?

This course is perfect for anyone serious about writing a novel and seeing it traditionally published, or successfully self-published. Ideally, students on the course have already started working on a draft they’d like to write and polish. The mentoring aspect of the course will be completely personalised to you, so we’ll work from whatever your starting point happens to be, and provide you with all the writing tips and advice you need.


Do you handle all genres? What about creative non-fiction? What about children’s and Young Adult?

We warmly welcome writers in almost every genre, from very literary to commercial. Our tutors work across a diverse list of categories, including both creative non-fiction and fiction writing. We certainly also welcome writers of YA and MG. If you write for much younger children, the course may be less suitable – but feel free to ask. 


What is the application process?

We invite writers from all backgrounds to apply to this course, whatever their educational backgrounds or prior achievements. We do, however, ask that all applicants are genuinely committed to a career as an author.  

If you feel this best describes you, please apply now

We aim to respond to all applications in 3 weeks. All work will be forwarded to the course tutors who will make the final decision on entry, according to which writers they feel show commitment to the course and would benefit the most from the course components.

If you have any questions about the application process, you can email us on, or book a call to speak with us.


Where can I get a complete course outline?

You can find the full course outline in our prospectus.


I have a full time job / family commitments. Can I do this course in my spare time?

Yes. We purposely designed this course to fit in around your other commitments; flexibility is one of the many benefits of online novel writing courses. Bear in mind that we will be asking you to write (or rewrite) your novel, as well as engage with teaching material and other online/offline events throughout the year. We recommend approximately 10 hours should be spent on the course each week to get the most from it. If you think you can manage that, we’ll be happy to accommodate you – and of course we’ll be as flexible as we can be.


Do I need to be available at set times every week?

For the most part, you’ll be able to work to a schedule that suits you. There will be regular Zoom calls but these will always be recorded so, if you can’t make the live session, you’ll be able to watch the replay. The only truly fixed part of the calendar is the in-person event at the end of the course. Please note, the ticket to the in-person event is only complimentary in the FULL package, and students will be required to pay for their own travel to and from, including any additional expenses incurred.


Will the online elements of the course be easy to use?

We use an easy-to-navigate online teaching platform, which is incredibly user-friendly so you’ll have no difficulty understanding what to do. You’ll also have access to the teaching platform forums indefinitely, so your course friendships can long outlast the end of the course. If you do need help at any stage, we’ll be on hand. 


Do you have bursaries available?

While we don’t have a full bursary available for this course, we want to help great writers get published, and if your personal circumstances make it impossible for you to fund the full price of this course, please get in touch. We can’t make any promises, but we’ll always do what we can.

This year we have also introduced CORE – a more affordable version of the course that includes the course content, the end-of-course showcase and one agent one-to-one session, but without the intensive mentoring and some of the additional benefits you get from the full course.


Is this course suitable for international students?

Yes. We have a very international client base already and we welcome applications from anywhere in the world. It’s open internationally for writers from all over the world, and all online calls and live events will take place at Greenwich Mean Time (GMT).

If you’re based outside of the UK and Europe, our Ultimate Novel Writing Course (International) might be more suitable and will take place at Eastern Time (EST). 


Who will be giving the feedback?

An editor who best suits your editorial content. We match manuscripts based on 15 years of experience working with our editors. We consider editor experience, their genres of interest, and whether they themselves feel they are the right fit for your work. As all our editors are freelance, this depends on availability.


Can I contact the editor directly?

No, but their in-depth report will contain actionable advice for you to progress with your manuscript.


How long does it take?

The turnaround is usually three to four weeks.


What genres do you accept?

All trade fiction and non-fiction. We are not suited to edit academic texts.


Do I need to be based in the UK for this service?

Not at all, our editorial services are delivered online and are suitable for writers from all around the world.


Can you help me find an agent?

Yes, you can log onto Jericho Writers’ AgentMatch, our database of over 1,000 UK and US literary agents.


Which genres are accepted?

The course is suitable for writers of fiction and narrative non-fiction.


What manuscript lengths do you accept?



Is this service for UK writers only?

No, we work with writers from all around the world.


Who are the tutors on the Self-Edit Your Novel Course?

This course is led by professional editors, and acclaimed authors, Debi Alper and Emma Darwin.


How much is the Self-Edit Your Novel Course?

The Self-Edit Your Novel Course costs £895. Premium Members save 10%.


How long is the course?

Six weeks.


How many hours per week should I be putting in?

You’ll need to devote a minimum of three hours a week to the course, but obviously the more time you are able to put in, the more you’ll get out.


How many will be on the course?

There are twelve students on each course in total. Many go on to become lifelong friends.


Will it be possible to ask questions during the course?

Yes. You’ll be working on your own novel through the course, and getting plenty of feedback.


Will I still have access to the course materials after the six weeks?

Yes, the threads and discussions all remain on the site for the foreseeable future and you will also receive a comprehensive alum pack after the course ends.


Which genres are accepted?

All genres are accepted, for both non-fiction and fiction writing.


What manuscript lengths do you accept?

All lengths. 


Is this service for UK writers only?

No, we work with writers from all around the world. 


Which mentors do you work with?

We’ve a team of award-winning authors with decades of tutorial experience, who’ve been hand-selected for quality and rigour. 

Meet them here.


How much does one-to-one mentoring cost?

It depends on the number of hours tuition you require. Get in Touch with us directly and we can provide a quote.