Weekly Online Writing Events for Members
Weekly Online Events to Help Your Writing

Live Premium Member Events
Our live events cover everything you need to know about writing, editing, and publishing your book. Exclusive for Premium Members, our programme of online events gives you the chance to pitch your work to literary agents, ask questions to leading experts and get feedback on your writing from bestselling authors and professional book editors – all from your living room.
March Premium Member Events
Welcome to March—the last slog before we can finally welcome Spring and, British weather permitting, get some much-needed sunshine. This month, we’ll be helping you with your agent submission packs through our member-favourite Slushpile Live event, and assisting you in finding your comp titles without pulling out too much hair. Not in your publishing era? Agents not really your vibe? No worries—we’re still running our Writing Room and Critique Club, so there’s plenty to jump into, no matter where you’re at.
April Events
So far this year, we’ve reviewed your plot outlines and query letters. I imagine you’re all starting to notice a theme by now. This April, we’re excited to review your synopses. We know that very few of you actually enjoy writing them, but we’ll be here to make the process less intimidating and help you polish them into something more agent-ready. We’re also joined by Steve, part of the husband-and-wife duo at Bengo Media, who will walk you through everything you need to know about audiobooks for self-published authors.

Event Highlights
As a Premium Member, you can catch up on any event you’ve missed via our Masterclass library. Our team make sure replays of our exclusive events are available for members to watch within 24-hours of the live event. Take a look through our masterclass library at the link below.