Navigating the Publishing Maze | Anna Burtt Takeover

Navigating the Publishing Maze | Anna Burtt Takeover

Navigating the Publishing Maze | Anna Burtt 

In February 2020, I was brought in as a freelancer to organise the iconic (and, I hear, infamous) Festival of Writing in York*. Now, you might be able to guess that our in-person event didn’t go ahead, but at Jericho we write our own stories, so we found a new way to tell them – online. What felt like a terrifying time to take on a role in events turned into an amazing opportunity to create an online and inclusive space for writers across the globe Since March 2020, we‚Äôve organised 200+ events and have started a new, (at least) weekly, live programme of events for our members to enjoy.¬†

Of course, it’s not quite the same as sitting in a Waterstones basement with a warm wine or enjoying a weekend with your writer friends, but it does mean that we can offer you 90x more live content than we could if they were in-person. There’s no travel time, no extra costs and no geographical barriers. Plus, I don’t know about you, but when it’s as cold as it is in the UK at the moment, I’d rather get my writing events fix from the comfort of my flat with a blanket and a hot cup of tea… Pajamas are not only allowed but encouraged!  

As I‚Äôm sure you know, as well as our weekly online events, we host Self-Publishing Month, the Summer Festival of Writing, Build Your Book Month and Getting Published Month, which all include 12+ events. Getting Published Month is one of my favourite months to programme for ‚Äì I’ve worked in publishing for a decade and I still relish the opportunity to speak to agents, coaches, industry experts, and of course to authors, all with the goal to empower and galvanise you and your writing. ¬†¬†

The publishing industry can feel like a maze to navigate; how do I get my manuscript off the slushpile? What size publishing house is best for me? How do I write a query letter that stands out? What is an author brand and how do I build one? What do debut novelists wish they knew before they started on the long road to publication? 

All these questions and more will be answered during Getting Published Month this year. We have another stellar lineup that will help you wade through the confusing fog of this strange industry and leave you clear-headed, empowered and excited for the next stage of your writing journey. We’ll be diving deep into how to construct query letters and what a synopsis is actually supposed to include. There’s a chance to have your query letter critiqued live on camera by two top agents, and you’ll hear from publishers about what they’re really looking for. If the truth-telling gets a bit much, worry not – we have resilience coaching to remind you writing success should only be defined on your own terms. The month will end with some of the most exciting debut authors of 2022 – reminding us all what we’re really here for.  

I really hope you enjoy these events as much as I know I’m going to! Register here.

Anna Burtt, Head of Events

*Keep your eyes on your inboxes in the next few months to hear about the RETURN to York in 2022. I am chomping at the bit to tell you all about it…

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