Is Self-Publishing for you?
Take control of your publishing
What an exciting month it’s been, with back-to-back Build Your Book events, a new Write A Novel in Six Weeks video course, and now – another brand new, interactive video course offering an introduction to the world of independent publishing.  
VIDEO COURSE: Introduction to Self-Publishing (Member exclusive)  
NEW! Hot off the press, this eight-module video course will lead you through the process of self-publishing, from considering whether it’s the right path for you, all the way to setting up that first book. This is an interactive video course with downloadable worksheets and a Community group, taught by indie bestseller, Gwyn GB. 
This week at Jericho Writers: 
FREE EVENT: Getting Ready for NaNoWriMo  
If you haven’t got a clue how to prepare, I’m teaming up with seasoned NaNo authors Elizabeth Haynes and Rachael Herron to help you get ready for the most hectic month in a writer’s calendar. Join in on Monday 25 October – open-to-all!  
MENTORING – Bespoke guidance from award-winning authors (10% discount for members) 
This service combines online mentoring and editorial feedback to help you work towards a publishable novel. Mentoring is much more than an online writing class; this way of working ensures you meet with your mentor at every vital juncture in your development. We’ve added some fabulous new mentors recently – do check them out.  
BURSARY: Win a free place on the Self-Edit Your Novel tutored course 
This life-changing tutored course is sold out into 2023, but applications are now open for under-represented writers to receive a fully-funded place on January’s course. I really urge you to apply for this one! Deadline 20 December 2021.  
BLOG: How to Control Your Self-Publishing Costs  
If your interest is piqued by today‚Äôs topic, you might also be wondering about the more practical elements of self-publishing. From learning to self-edit effectively to using automated layout programs, here’s a list of everything you can do to keep your costs down as a self-published author.¬†
Jericho Writers member Julia Stone’s debut novel was published in August with Orion Dash. We had a fascinating chat with her about using her background in psychology as a springboard into her writing and other creative pursuits. We loved this one and hope you will too.  
Is self-publishing for you? 
Almost every week, a writer drops us a line to ask, ‘is self-publishing right for me?’  
It’s a fair question. On one hand, taking control of your own publishing sounds ideal. More royalties, more control, and you don’t need to wait around to get your book in front of readers. But on the other hand, indie publishing can be extremely technical and feel a little like learning a whole new language.  
Gwyn GB has done an outstanding job creating an eight-week video course that will help us answer this question. The first module particularly asks us to think about what it is we want from writing, publishing and our careers, and then helps us match that against our options. The brilliant thing about this course is that it doesn’t just ask us to watch, but to engage, apply it to our own work, and start having a go at it.  
Everyone has to start somewhere, and if you’re thinking about taking those first steps into self-publishing, I really recommend starting here. Having specific tasks to complete that walk you through the process of setting a book up step-by-step makes the world of self-publishing a little more manageable somehow. What’s more, for members it is 100% included in the price of Jericho Writers membership, with a blossoming Community peer support group to boot.  
As for the answer to the question: is self-publishing for you? Unfortunately, no one else can answer that for you. But this video course will give you the information and tools you need to consider all your options and help you along the route you do choose. (And hey – if you can’t choose – just pick one for now. You can always switch, change your mind, or do both!) 
If you’d like to join Jericho Writers to check out the Introduction to Self-Publishing video course, it’s now live in membership with all other video courses. Enjoy!
Sarah J 
Plus, don’t miss:
We’re ever so proud to say that our anthology of work from last year’s Ultimate Novel Writing Course students is now live, and has already earned EIGHT full manuscript requests from agents! We can’t wait to see where this fabulous bunch are headed in their careers.¬†
One-to-one sessions (10% discount available)
We still have slots left to chat to top literary agents from the UK and US. Each agent or book doctor will read your work in advance of this fifteen-minute call and is a great way to beat the slushpile. You can even choose your preferred agent and date/time. 
Developmental editing (10% discount available)  
If you want all the rigour offered by a Big-Five publishing house, but without the contracts and confusion, we’ve got you covered. A developmental edit offers you in-text comments throughout your manuscript offering in-depth feedback on your work, and a sixty-minute conversation with your editor to get that manuscript in perfect shape before you start submitting. 