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Submission tips literary agents wish you knew

Submission tips literary agents wish you knew

Advice and feedback from literary agents 

Places are filling up fast for both the UK/Europe and US/International Ultimate Novel Writing Course! In this newsletter, find out how to apply, as well as honest advice from literary agents, and how you can get feedback on your agent query.  

COURSE: Apply for The Ultimate Novel Writing Course 2021-22  

No other course gives you this level of feedback and guidance on your manuscript. If you’re serious about writing a publishable book this year, submit your application now for either the UK/Europe or the International course.  



This week at Jericho Writers: 

EVENT: In Conversation with Eve White and Rebecca Reid (Member exclusive)  

Getting an agent is one challenge, but working with an agent is another story! Join Eve White and her client Rebecca Reid as they talk about their working relationship. 



EDITORIAL: Agent Submission Pack review 

Keep getting agent rejections and not sure why? Send your query letter, synopsis and opening 10,000 words our way, and our expert editors will give you that much-needed insight.  


SUMMER FESTIVAL: Events happening this week (Ticket-holders only) 

We’re Writing Comedy with Lisa Allen-Agostini tomorrow, In Conversation with a Top USA Independent Publisher on 15th, hosting the first Friday Night Live event on 16th (!) and looking at Digital First Publishing on 18th. Phew! 


What literary agents wish writers knew  

One of the joys of my job is that I get to spend time hanging out with literary agents, who are usually the loveliest people to spend time with (as a lot of people who love books are!) Below are some tips and tricks I’ve picked up chatting to them.  

1) They’re just people, too. 

When someone seems to hold so much potential power over your career, it’s easy to forget that they’re just people doing their job. Although they know a lot about the industry, they don’t know everything. They only know what they like, the kind of people they want to work with and what they’re hearing from their commissioning editors at the time you submit. Remember this next time you get a rejection! 

2) There isn’t one set of rules for submitting. 

At Jericho, we try to pull all the advice we hear from multiple agents into set advice for making your submission as professional as possible. That being said Рdifferent agents sometimes want different things. You’ll go to a webinar with one agent who swears by the synopsis and one who won’t read them at all. Take your time to research using AgentMatch and their website to tailor your submission.  

3) Polite personality goes a long way. 

Your agent will be hoping to work with you for a long time. Make sure your query letter is polite, professional, and has a little of your own personality peppered in here and there, too.  

4) Pay attention to your file names. 

Awful-draft-version-89-2-use-this might work as a file name on your computer, but will be a little red flag for an agent. A lot of agents download submissions onto their kindle to read, so make a new, clean file and call it Book-Name-Your-Name. That way, you’re showing yourself as professional, as well as helping them keep track of their submissions.  

Is there something you wish agents knew about writers? Share your thoughts for free in the Community here.  

Sarah J 

Plus, don’t miss: 

Literary agent one-to-ones (10% member discount) 

We’re running one-to-one calls with literary agents and book doctors throughout the summer. Anyone can book one of these – just choose your expert and book a time to suit you.  

Mentoring (10% discount available)  

Get expert one-to-one help as you write and edit your manuscript with your choice of award-winning mentors. 

NEW video course on Amazon Ads for members 

Learn the fundamentals of Amazon Ads with Nicholas Erik in our latest video course, exclusively for members of Jericho Writers. 

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