SPOTLIGHT FEATURE: Liza DeBlock from Mushens Entertainment

SPOTLIGHT FEATURE: Liza DeBlock from Mushens Entertainment

Good morning, everyone!

Today’s feature includes a fantastic interview with Liza DeBlock.

Nominated as one of Bookseller’s Rising Stars of 2022, Liza is building her list of clients at Mushens Entertainment while also developing her agency’s international reach as Foreign Rights Executive. As an agent, she is looking for adult fiction (including literary, upmarket, historical, thriller and grounded fantasy) as well as informative nonfiction (including cookery, pop science and social history).

Some of the authors Liza represents include Natalie Chandler (Believe Me Not, published June 2022), Pim Wangtechawat (The Moon Represents My Heart, coming June 2023), and Stacey Thomas (The Revels, coming July 2023).

Liza is active on Twitter where you can stay up to date with news about her work. She also does Agent One-to-One sessions with Jericho Writers, so don’t miss out on a chance to get her feedback on your work by booking your session here.

Check out some highlights from our interview with Liza below.

Liza DeBlock
Liza DeBlock

“We get the most out of our relationship when we treat each other with mutual respect and understand that we are working together towards a goal.”

Hello Liza, thank you so much for taking the time to talk with us today! We would love to hear about your work and what you’d like to see from querying authors.

Q. What brought you to agenting?

I love working with people and crafting stories. Agenting allows me to work with authors throughout their career and help build their stories. It is the perfect combination.

Q: What is a day in the life of an agent like for you?

My day always starts with emails! Whether they are from clients, co-agents, publishers, or co-workers, I triage emails and sort by urgency. I do a mixture of meetings across the industry, then complete contracts, international tax forms, read through submissions and respond to every single one, and then end the day with a book launch or meeting a client. It is always a busy day, but always fun!

Q. What do you want to see in a query letter? And what do you hate?

I want to see an elevator pitch, comparison titles, a short synopsis, and why the author is submitting to me. Show that you actually want me because you think I will be the best fit for your book. A query letter needs to mainly be about the book, the product itself, and then a quick paragraph about yourself. I dislike when I get a query letter that says nothing about what the book actually is! I need to be hooked immediately and a great query letter is the best way to start that.

Q. Same question when it comes to the synopsis. What should writers do? What should they avoid?

A good synopsis is about streamlining the plot into something easily digestible. My biggest tip is to make sure you only put in the main plot and forgo subplots unless they are essential. Try writing it, then leave it alone for a few days before returning to edit it. Also, give it to friends and family to ready for clarity! Muddling a synopsis with too many plots can make it hard to read and understand. So, having someone read the synopsis and then tell you what they think it is about can be eye opening about what you are actually conveying with your words.

Q. What are you looking for in the opening pages of a novel? What really excites you?

I love a book that gets me right into the action. I also love being situated in the main character’s head right away. A strong sense of character really excites me and makes me want to see how the story unfolds. 

Q. What makes for a successful author-agent relationship? How can both parties get the most out of the relationship?

A successful author-agent relationship is a mixture of enthusiasm and professionalism. We both have to be energised and ready to work hard to make a book a success together. My authors and I also treat each other as professionals. They have faith that I will always do my utmost best to guide their career and always work in their interest. In return, I expect them to act as professional writers who are open to ideas and who are always trying to grow creatively. We get the most out of our relationship when we treat each other with mutual respect and understand that we are working together towards a goal. 

Q. What’s your favourite thing about being an agent?

I love being able to call an author and tell them that their dream of having a book published is going to come true. Being able to deliver that wonderful news makes my job worth it!

Q. What are some of your favourite authors and books?

Some of my recent favourite books include The Secrets We Kept, The Book of Longings, Hamnet, Tsarina, A Discovery of Witches, House of Earth and Blood, The Starless Sea, Piranesi, The Vanishing Half, The Pisces, and Such a Fun Age.

Q. What interests or passions do you have beyond the world of books? What do you love?

I love being outdoors! Whether this means walking, running, cycling, swimming, or rowing, you can always find me doing something in nature. I love being on water in a rowboat, or doing some open-water swimming around sunrise. With spring around the corner, I’m passionate about hopping on my bike and getting out into the countryside to see nature in bloom. No matter what activity I get up to, I always try to end it with some sort of delicious baked good!

Q. Any final words of advice for authors in the querying process?

My number one piece of advice is: always be professional. I am looking for stories that I love and believe in, but also people that I want to work with. Always putting your best foot forward shows me you are dedicated to becoming an author, but that you are also keen to make a career out of it. Those are the people I want to work with.

The full interview can be found on Liza’s AgentMatch profile.

If you’d like to learn more about Liza and the authors she represents, you can read what Natalie Chandler has to say about her writing journey. And if you’re struggling with your query letter and synopsis, do check out our free resources on our website. We have lots of info to help you on your way. Or, better still, if you’re a member with us, our lovely Writers Support team will be happy to offer you a free query letter review!

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