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Messenger on Townhouse

Messenger on Townhouse

I seem to have lost access to all of the messages I’ve sent and received in townhouse. Has anyone else experienced this? I can’t see my course mates’ messages from threads we had created in messenger here.

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  1. Lovely to see your, Andrew. I wondered where you’d been! That’s such a pain. When you try to go to messenger, so you just get the JW logos and thumbnails and the rest just a blank page? That’s what’s happening to me but I thought it was just a connectivity issue. Can’t message Holly to tell her! Hopefully someone from JW will see this.

    How’ve you been? Back to school now? How’s the write going?

  2. I’ve expereienced the same, Andrew. Definitely older messages appear to auto-archive, but some newer messages have selectively vanished. Even with the best of help from Holly, the answer is going to be “sorry, that’s just the crap platform Townhouse is built on.” It has quirks, and every time it gets a new update, the quirks mutate. (Sometimes I’m surprised it has survived this long without imploding.)

    The only ray of hope anyone can offer is that, at some indeterminate point in the future, Townhouse is supposed to migrate to a different platform, so should become more consistent.

    1. I seem to have lost all ability to message, though, not just had my old messages disappear. When I go on messenger all I can see is a blank page with the JW header, my eye thumbnail, the menu hamburger and the notification bell. Nothing else

      I hope it gets fixed cos it’s one of the main functions I use on Townhouse

      1. Maybe it’s partially a browser thing. Mine still works, at least on a basic level.

        As to getting fixed, the history of degraded platform features suggest that you shouldn’t get your hopes too high.

      2. Oh thats’ annoying! Andrew and Lynn – if this keeps going should we set up an email group for our Self-edit course alumni group instead? Might end up being more reliable… frustrating, as having Townhouse be a place for discussions with writer friends so the emails don’t get lost amidst the morass of my inbox is useful… But no point if some of you can’t see or reply to messages!

  3. My old messages and replies are still there, but haven’t attempted to message anyone for a couple of months. 

    Anyone want me to try messaging them, to check in you’ve got incoming?

  4. Andrew,  are you still having issues with messages? Haven’t seen you on our group chat for a while and we’ve been chatting a lot!  Busy with the new term?  Let us know. Hope all’s well