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How to get your book made into a movie

How to get your book made into a movie

Who would play your main character in the film? 

Perhaps every writer daydreams about what their book would be like as a film. In this newsletter, we find out more about the process of making that happen in real life, as well as tutored courses with deadlines coming up very soon, and a final flurry of Summer Festival Events.  

COURSE: Apply for The Ultimate Novel Writing Course 2021-22  

10 DAYS LEFT TO APPLY! No other course gives you this level of feedback and guidance on your manuscript. If you’re serious about writing a publishable book this year, submit your application now for either the UK/Europe or the International course.  



This week at Jericho Writers: 

TUTORED COURSES: Writing for Children starts 3 September (Discounts for members) 

Our online tutored course on Writing for Children starts in just over 2 weeks! This course is getting rave reviews, so do check it out if you’d like guidance from an expert tutor and a small class of like-minded writers.  


AGENT FEEDBACK: Brand-new one-to-ones available 

We’ve recently released 160 new one-to-one slots with agents and book doctors. They make it super easy for anyone to get direct feedback on their work – plus, loads of our success stories actually met their agents through these sessions!  


EVENTS: Summer Festival events happening this week (Discounts for members) 

This week, join us for a panel on Disability Representation; a fantastic Under-represented Writers Showcase; In Conversation with Bolu Babalola and Katie Packer; and an event on Turning Books to Film and TV. 


AGENTMATCH: Spotlight on Catherine Cho – Paper Literary 

Our Spotlight agent this week is Catherine Cho from Paper Literary, who says:  

“I understand how vulnerable it is to present your work, and how personal it feels, even as much as you try to separate yourself from your work. I try to remember that behind every submission is an individual.”¬†



SUCCESS STORY: Cover reveal! 

It’s been great to see community member Laure van Rensburg’s cover for her debut novel revealed this week! NOBODY BUT US looks brilliant – check it out below.  


How to get your book made into a movie 

Oh, how I wish I had some first-person experience to share with you on this one! Like many of you, I’ve spent a decade or so imagining who would play my main characters in the movie (Elle Fanning – always). But the reality of having a book made into a film or TV series isn’t so easy.  

Summer Festival of Writing ticket-holders have a great event on this planned on 23 August with two film/TV scouts, but he‚Äôs a little sneak peek at the process of turning a book into a movie…¬†

If you have an agent/publisher:  

If you hold the rights to film/TV then your agent will pitch your book on your behalf to scouts, or producers (if your publisher holds the rights, then they will do this). If there’s interest, then the producer may ask for an option on the rights, which will give them exclusivity to them for a set period of time, for a small fee. For many books, this is as far as they’ll go to being made into a movie. For the lucky ones that manage to get off the ground, the author is paid a much larger fee and work begins on production.  

If you’re self-publishing:  

The process can look the same for getting an option and hopefully getting that through to production, but there are other things authors can do themselves to help this process along.  

You can contact producers yourself; write your own screenplay to speed the process along; submit your screenplay idea/draft to competitions or production companies directly; or even hire your own film team to make the movie for you (if you have the capital and know-how to do so!)  

Meanwhile, for those of us still daydreaming – who would play your main character in the movie? Share your casting dreams in the Community here.  

Sarah J 

Plus, don’t miss: 

BLOG: When a writing course is everything you wanted and more 

We catch up with Australian-based writer Florence Gladwell to see what she made of the last Writing for Children tutored course (spoiler alert: she thought it was pretty darn good!)  

Mentoring (10% discount available)  

Get expert one-to-one help as you write and edit your manuscript with your choice of award-winning mentors. 

New Community Book Club (Open to all)

Each month, we’ll be hosting a live meeting with the author of the chosen book for that month, chatting to them about their writing process and asking your questions.¬†

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