How confidence is built

How confidence is built

Here’s why you should stop waiting for the ‘perfect’ time

This week, we’re delighted to invite Jericho Writers member Brigitte Cirilli to share her thoughts on finding the confidence to write, and some top picks from membership. This is the first time we’ve invited a member to take over our newsletter, but we will 100% be doing it again. Scroll down for her story, as well as the latest events and opportunities this week.   

TUTORED COURSE: Simply Self-Publish tutored course (10% discount for members) 

This new, unique tutored course is perfect for anyone who wants an expert guiding hand as they start self-publishing. Alongside a small group, you’ll complete practical assignments that will take you from finished manuscript to indie author (and beyond). WARNING: Places on this course are limited and we expect them to sell out fast! 


This week at Jericho Writers: 

MEMBER EVENTS: Two star-studded events on prose this week (Member exclusive) 

We’re excited to be welcoming Benjamin Dreyer later today for an event on Tidying Up Your Prose (not one to miss!) We also have Making Prose Poetic with Sam Riviere on 26 November, which will blur that fabulous line between poetry and prose. 


BURSARY: Win a free place on the Self-Edit Your Novel Tutored Course  

The deadline is fast approaching to win a free place on January’s sold-out tutored course with Debi Alper and Emma Darwin. If you’re an under-represented writer, we urge you to go for this one. Apply by 20 December. 


BOOK CLUB: ‘Blueberries’ by Ellena Savage  

Join us for our next free book club meeting on Tuesday 7 December (19:00 GMT) where we’ll be discussing ‘Blueberries’! Follow the link below to read an exclusive extract from the book, share your thoughts, and get a 15% discount from Fox Lane Books.  


SPOTLIGHT ON: Ameerah Holliday from Serendipity Literary Agency  

“I love when authors have an elevator pitch in their query letter already. It’s really helpful and it gives a really concise idea of the themes and the things that I’ll be seeing in the story.”



Member L M West took on the mammoth task of learning all the skills that effective self-publishing involves. From editorial assessments to cover commissioning, read about her process and you might just discover the perfect publishing route for you.



How Jericho Writers helped me build confidence in my writing, by Brigette Cirilli  

I’ve been making up stories since I was a child but never thought I would be brave enough to share my writing with others.   

Parents want their children to be successful, so many direct them on the ‘normal’ path which is pursuing higher education and getting a corporate job. They often teach us to turn away from creative and entrepreneurial endeavours for the more stable and lucrative path. How many people want to write a book but never start? We look at successful writers and think that they must be special, smart, or lucky. That was how I thought before I joined Jericho Writers. 

I first attempted to write a manuscript in 2019. It was fun, but I felt like something was missing. In 2020, a friend told me about the Summer Festival of Writing. The UK was in lockdown, and it was a terrific opportunity to focus on my goals (instead of sourdough). I attended the webinars, watched the video courses, and applied what I learned to my writing. My writing improved! I thought, “Holy moly! I can do this!”  

I began learning and applying my new skills to my writing, creating confidence in myself. Jericho Writers have created an environment that encourages, feeds and supports curiosity through their courses, webinars and community. I love that every member of Jericho Writers is continually learning, regardless of where they are on their journey. 

My confidence has increased because of Jericho Writers. I believe I will publish and share my ideas and worlds with others and make them laugh, think and feel less alone in the world. Their courses, staff, and other members have helped my inner world become richer, my writing better, and my motivation stronger. Thank you to everyone who has been a part of my journey so far.  

The best thing about joining Jericho Writers is learning to believe in myself. Someone said to me recently, “Your mind must be a fascinating place.” My newfound confidence replied, “Yes, it is.”  

Stop waiting for the perfect time to write that book. You might just find that Jericho Writers may be the right answer to help realise the greatness already within you. Take the first step and join us members. Don’t worry. We’ll be here to catch you. 

Brigitte Cirilli (Member)  

Brigitte Cirilli lives in London but is originally from the United States. She is currently looking for an agent for women’s fiction and has begun research for a non-fiction title. You can follow her on Twitter @NJRugbyGrl, Instagram brigittec_author, and Facebook @BrigitteC.Author. 

Brigitte’s top membership picks 

Plotting and planning to build suspense with Jack Jordan 

Jack provides a different way to plot that seemed to make sense even to someone who has difficulty plotting. 

New Ideas Hour with Sarah Ann Juckes 

I love this workshop! Sarah shares different ways to help writers come up with ideas. There are pockets of time in this workshop to apply these ideas. 

The Writer, The Plotter, The Editor and You with Holly Dawson 

This four-part course completely changed how I work with my writing. This will teach you how you can focus your attention by wearing one ‘hat’ at a time helping you to progress to a finished manuscript. 

In Conversation with Amanda Prowse 

This author is inspiring and humble. This webinar is comparable to a pep talk where she is saying that every one of us is special and can write. 

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