Calling all Australian & Canadian authors!

Calling all Australian & Canadian authors!

Calling all Australian & Canadian authors (and anyone else who’s nosey like me)

Ever wondered how the query process works in Canada? Or how to get an agent when you live in Australia? Well, funny you should ask. 

We are thrilled to announce that Australian and Canadian agents have joined the AgentMatch family (otherwise known as ‘database’). So far we have 11 Australian agencies with 24 agents, and 18 Canadian agencies with 67 total agents. Now, these numbers may seem small compared to the US and UK based agencies already on the system but have no fear; each profile has been researched thoroughly, every agent has been contacted and interviews requested. Every ‘i’ has been dotted and every ‘t’ has been crossed, as they say.  

We will of course expand and adapt the list of agencies and agents with the most up-to-date information available as and when we find it. So please keep your eyes peeled for updates. 

But first, the basics. 

So, how exactly does the submission process work in Canada and Australia? Is it different to what UK and US agents recommend? Are all agents open to submissions or do they limit it to referrals only? These are just some of the topics we’ve researched and discussed with the agents. You’ll be relieved to know their answers did not disappoint. 

From our research, there seems to be a consensus among the Australian agencies that they will only accept submissions from authors who are a resident of either Australia or New Zealand, which is good news for our Australian and New Zealand based authors! Have no fear if you’re based elsewhere though, as the general consensus for Canadian agencies is that they will accept international authors (similar to UK and US agencies). 

Our research also shows that the Australian and Canadian submission process is pretty similar to the UK and US. So good news, you need your standard query letter, synopsis, and opening pages. And, as I’m sure you know, we can help you with those! 


We have loved sitting down (virtually, that is) with international agents and getting the industry gossip; asking for their advice on what the opening pages should demonstrate; how to catch and keep their attention in a query letter; and everything in between. The advice we’ve garnered could be applied to every author across the globe, not just those looking to submit to these two countries. 

You can check out the Spotlight On features we’ve done over the past few weeks by following the links below: 

Let’s chat. 

Don’t forget, you can get valuable, personal feedback on your writing in a fifteen-minute One-to-One with an agent of your choice. 

Throughout February we have worked with 28 agents specialising in a range of genres, offering a combined 140 One-to-One sessions. In March we’re working with 29 agents, for a combined 145 One-to-One sessions.  

What next? 

For me? That’ll be a cup of tea and to finish reading The Manningtree Witches (after work, of course), but for you, well that depends on where you are with your writing journey. 

If you’re a member, head over to AgentMatch now and get searching Рwe’ve added Australia and Canada to our country search filters. All the agents and agencies interviewed and mentioned above are listed and their profiles are ready for you to peruse, along with many more. You can also get your query letter reviewed by one of the fabulous Writers Support team so you know that you are truly, submission ready. 

If you’re not yet a member but you’d love an insight into the new profiles, or just want to try out AgentMatch to see how it works, then sign up for the free trial. Or better yet, join us and become a member to get access to AgentMatch and get personalised direct feedback on your query letter, as well as everything else we have to offer. 

And, of course, everyone can book a One-to-One and get direct, personal feedback from an agent of your choice on your writing, submission pack, and general agent-related questions! 

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