You’re always a writer, friend

You’re always a writer, friend

Last week’s email was a very positive one, and I’d like to sign off for Christmas now on an equally hopeful note. (In true literary spirit, I’m currently laden in bed with the flu in the manner of a little Dickensian child. So, a heavily assisted email today, and a shorter one.) 

It would be remiss for me not to mention what an eventful year it’s been at Jericho Writers. We brought back our in-person Festival of Writing. We met loads of promising new writers on our courses. We introduced a new, more accessible membership structure and launched a brand-new Townhouse. So many of you have passed through our doors now, and we hope your writing is all the better for it. 

More importantly, it’s been a fantastic year for you lot. We’ve had the pleasure of meeting writers with Big 5 deals; self-pubbers making a name for themselves; playwrights; poets; experts changing the non-fic game. Our inboxes have been flooded with success stories. And we love hearing from you – you’re the reason we do all of this, after all. 

In keeping with our Dickens references, here are three ghosts of newsletters past: 

The spy in your novel

Pears, walnuts, blue cheese

The curse of cool

And one for when, like me, you’re not feeling too fresh and need to rest: A little rain. You’re always a writer, friend.

Peruse at your leisure – but that’s all for now. 

Keep plodding on. And happy holidays. 

Til January, 


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  1. Sorry to hear you’re a bit under the weather Harry. I’d rush off a big bowl of hot chicken soup but by the time it arrived I’m sure it will have gone cold. Plus, with the exuberance I see in so many postal clerks, I would imagine a great deal of it would have sloshed out of the bowl and soaked the box. So soup-wise, you are on your own. I will send along my warmest wishes for a full recovery before Christmas and hopes that your family has a wonderful Christmas and new years.

  2. Get well soon & happy Christmas. Thank you for giving me my first ever bit of professional writing feedback earlier this year. It means a lot (even if it was on a little thing like an elevator pitch).