What’s your covid theme song?

What’s your covid theme song?

I live in rural Oxfordshire and, every Thursday, people assemble round our little village green to clap for the NHS (the national health system in the UK). Just recently, we’ve been rounding that off with a sing-song … with words doctored by me for the purpose. This week we’re going to sing this:

Mine eyes have seen the coming of the virus of Wuhan.
It’s jumped from bats to pangolins, from pangolins to man.
It’s infected every country from our shores to far Japan,
     Yet it still goes marching on.

Oh Corona, do not touch me! Oh Corona, do not touch me!
Oh Corona, do not touch me! But it still goes marching on.

They said that they would give us the protection of the herd
But as people started dying, the idea just seemed absurd.
So now we have to lock our doors, like prisoners interred –

     And it still goes marching on.

     Oh Corona, do not touch me! Oh Corona, do not touch me!
     Oh Corona, do not touch me! And it still goes marching on.

They say we need a vaccine and they say we need some tests,
But the vaccine isn’t working and the tests are not the best.
And meantime, we’re just stuck here under perma house arrest,
     While it still goes marching on.

 Oh Corona, do not touch me! Oh Corona, do not touch me!
     Oh Corona, do not touch me! And it still goes marching on.

Oh, it’s shuttered every business and it’s closing every school.
And if you think it’s ending soon, then you’re a bloody fool.
But here on our old village green, we make this solemn rule:

      Oh, you may not march in here!

     Oh Corona, do not touch me! Oh Corona, do not touch me!
     Oh Corona, do not touch me! No you may not march in here.

That’s us. But what about you? Your parodies and pastiches, please. With a word about the tune if it isn’t bleeding obvious.  Over to y’all.

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  1. Not a coronavirus song, but back in 2004, I thought the Beach Boys’ Surfin’ Safari should be reimagined as a (dark parody) charity song:

    Let’s go surfin’ now
    Everybody’s learning how
    Come and surf a tsunami with me
    (Come on surf a tsunami with me)