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What does your writing day look like?

What does your writing day look like?

Finding time and space to write in 2020 

Some of us might find ourselves having more time to write right now. Others (like me!) will be struggling to squeeze it in around other strange commitments. This newsletter looks at how best to utilise the time you have to keep pen to paper.  

More names announced for the Summer Festival of Writing (50% discount for members) 

We’re still adding big-name authors, publishers and agents to the 3-month Summer Festival of Writing. Recent additions include Amazon Publishing, Robin Stevens, Little Brown, Linwood Barclay, Kate Elizabeth Russell and HarperCollins. Grab your ticket before it all kicks off on 1 June 2020! 


NEW on Jericho Writers 

Write a Novel in an Afternoon – Part Three (FREE for members) 

The final part of this three-part masterclass looks at how to write the climatic scene of your novel and how to leave a reader feeling satisfied by the resolution.  



BURSARY: 30 FREE places to the Summer Festival of Writing 

Deadline 29 May. Are you an under-represented writer? Thanks to the generosity of our speakers, we’re offering thirty Full Festival Tickets to deserving under-represented writers. 


WEBINAR: Perfecting your elevator pitch (Exclusive to members) 

20 MAY 2020. Bestselling author Harry Bingham reveals the secret to writing a captivating elevator pitch in this webinar, as well as giving live feedback to as many members as he can get through, live. 



Content corner: Share your writing routine 

A whole day dedicated to writing is a rare, rare thing for me right now. Whenever one does crop up, I find having a little routine helps to keep my mind on-task – even if only for a while.  

Morning: I don’t have any kids, but many of my neighbours do. After a quick breakfast, I take a cup of tea to my writing shed, read over the last scene I wrote and get cracking, before the rest of the world wakes up and takes over the quiet.  

Afternoon: By 1pm, I’m too hungry to function, so I pop in for lunch in front of some Netflix show I’ve already seen a thousand times before. By this time, everyone is out in the garden screaming, so I pop on my walking boots and head out for a socially-distanced local wander. This might seem like procrastination, but I find this essential for my own mental health (as well as for working through plot problems).  

Evening: Usually, this is taken up with chores and catching up with family. But – if I can – I find a quiet spot to read, or listen to a podcast.  

As you can see – a lot of my writing day right now isn’t filled with much actual writing. But what about you? What does your writing routine look like now? Are you writing more, or less? Sign up for free and share your thoughts in the Townhouse, here.

Stay well x 

Sarah J  

Plus, don’t miss: 

Self-Edit Your Novel tutored course (Discounts available for members) 

9 June 2020. A final place has just opened up! With 1-in-4 alumni now published, this could be your shot at whipping your book into shape before the end of the year. Warning: this won’t stick around for long. 

Manuscript Assessment  (Discounts available for members)

Our most popular editorial service matches you to your dream editor and gives you tailored feedback on your work. It doesn’t get better than that. 

Complete Novel Mentoring (Discounts available for members)

Work with an expert tutor as you write or edit your book. We have three world-leading authors at your disposal covering everything from children’s books to sci-fi. 


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