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Webchat: Ask an author everything you’ve ever wanted to know

Webchat: Ask an author everything you’ve ever wanted to know


This Thursday evening (7.30pm UK time) I’m doing a no-holds barred, ask me anything webchat (EEK!). 

This is our first community webchat with an author, in this case me, where you can ask all those questions you always wanted to about the writing process, getting an agent, being traditionally published and anything in between. Even if it makes me wince, I will try to be as honest as possible! If this goes well, and there is an appetite for it, I will try to arrange some others to come on here for a grilling! 

You can join the chat on the evening itself, or post questions ahead of time for me to answer on the event page.  

About Holly Seddon

Holly Seddon is the international bestselling author of TRY NOT TO BREATHE, DON’T CLOSE YOUR EYES and LOVE WILL TEAR US APART. THE WANTED will be published in early 2021 by Trapeze/Orion.

After growing up in the English countryside obsessed with music and books, Holly worked in London as a journalist and editor. She now lives in Amsterdam with her family.

Alongside fellow author Gillian McAllister, Holly co-hosts the popular Honest Authors Podcast. You can find her on Twitter @hollyseddon, Instagram and Facebook @hollyseddonauthor.

How do I take part in the webchat?

Simply post your questions into the ‘Discussions’ box here, either before the webchat or on 7th May. 

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