The Kit de Waal Bursary Winner

The Kit de Waal Bursary Winner

We’re overjoyed to announce that the winner of the Kit De Waal Bursary for carers is Lucinda Marsden. Her YA feminist novel, ‘Undercurrent,’ is inspired by Lord of the Flies and swept the judges away.

Lucinda said: ‘Behind every loved one who needs a high level of care, is someone who has given up their life to care. This unique bursary offers me a rare chance for some space, indeed an oasis, to work on my novel and claw some of my old writing life back.’

Writer in residence and judge, Kit De Waal, said: ‘With a fantastic sense of place, a character I was interested to know more about after just three short paragraphs and a story that any young adult would want to read,  ‘Undercurrent’ is a clear front-runner and I’m very much looking forward to meeting this very deserving author.’

Congratulations Lucinda, we can’t wait to see you at York 💙 We were so moved by some of the bursary entries that we’re also offering 50% off Festival tickets and membership to a further 30 people.

Festival director, Anna Burtt, said: ‘We were really impressed with the quality of entries for the Kit De Waal Bursary, and humbled by the stories these wonderful writers shared with us. There were many deserving entries, and we’re delighted for the winner, Lucinda Marsden, whose YA novel, ‘Undercurrent’ really captured the judges’ imaginations. We know how important entry to the York Festival of Writing will be to Lucinda in order to give her time and space to work on her novel.’ 

Tickets are still available for the York Festival of Writing. Find out more at:

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