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The key ingredients of an amazing elevator pitch

The key ingredients of an amazing elevator pitch

What makes a great elevator pitch?

You’re in an elevator with a world-leading agent. “What’s your book about?” they ask. You have two floors to make them fall in love with your idea – how do you phrase it? This is the art of the elevator pitch – hooking someone in just one or two sentences. So, how do you do it? 

CONGRATULATIONS: To Christine for winning our Pitch Perfect competition!  

Thanks to everyone who entered and came along to last night’s Pitch Perfect webinar. The winner was Christine McVie, who’s won a free one-to-one call with an agent and a free copy of Harry Bingham’s How to Write! 



This week at Jericho Writers: 

REPLAY: Perfect your elevator pitch (exclusive for members) 

Join Harry Bingham as he runs through the essential components of an elevator pitch and gives members feedback on theirs, live.  



BLOG: How to write an elevator pitch for your story 

Writing is scary – but of all the scary things about it, perhaps the scariest is getting the concept right. This blog looks at nailing your concept and presenting it in the best possible way. 


COURSE: Is your idea good enough? (Module exclusive to members) 

One of the questions that can come out of working on a pitch is the value of the idea itself. In this module in the How to Write video course, we look at what makes a ‘good’ idea.



How NOT to write an elevator pitch 

Are you making any of these common mistakes in your pitch? 

Mistake 1: It’s a lot more than 20 words  

Elevator pitches should be short and sharp. If you find yours running on, it might be time to go back to the drawing board! 

Mistake 2: It’s too vague 

‘A coming-of-age story’ Р‘a story of love and loss’ Рthese all sound pleasant enough, but what it is about them that separate them from everything else the agent might read that day? Pinpoint the unique element to your story and make that the focus.  

Mistake 3: It contains too many characters 

You only have a short amount of time – group characters together or focus in on your main one. We don’t need to know subplot here, or even character names.  

Mistake 4: It raises the wrong kind of questions 

The questions you’ll want to be aiming for are the ones that start: ‘ooo Рwhy? I’d love to know more’ Рrather than: ‘wait Рwhat?’ Ensure your pitch is coherent and clear.  

What’s the elevator pitch for your work-in-progress? Try them out amongst friends in the Townhouse, here. 

Sarah J x

Plus, don’t miss: 

Self-Edit Your Novel tutored course bursary closes 29 December 

Every quarter, we give one space on the life-changing Self-Edit Your Novel tutored course with Debi Alper to a deserved under-represented writer. To bag a free spot on January’s course, submit your application before 29 December.  

Agent Submission Pack review service (Discounts available for members) 

Get professional feedback on your opening 10,000 words, your cover letter, and your synopsis from one of our expert editors.  

Manuscript Assessment  (Discounts available for members) 

Our most popular editorial service matches you to your dream editor and gives you tailored feedback on your work. It doesn’t get better than that. 

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