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The days that say no

The days that say no

Here’s the place to talk about today’s email – “The days that say no” – in which I talk about that feeling of reluctance to grapple with your current draft. We’ve all been there. What’s your solution? What’s worked, what hasn’t, what’s your advice?

And here’s a picture of apple blossom to make us feel happy.

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  1. Hi Harry,

    I suspect I’m having a ‘NO month’. Is that a problem?

    I’ve had my second book plotted (fairly roughly for a plotter, extremely detailed for a pantser) and researched for several weeks now and keep on finding excuses to not start it. I don’t just waste time, I do all the other stuff I think will help (check out writing tips, read other books in the genre, browse writers’ blogs, write short stories, research writing festivals, come to the Jericho forum, etc.). I fear it’s because my first manuscript is out with agents and I’m gradually getting rejections back in dribs and drabs. It’s not that this makes me want to give up, it’s more that I think I might have to go back to manuscript 1 and do something genius to it to make it irresistible. I think this anticipation and the knowledge that changing something so radically would be a nightmare, is causing a block on the starting of project 2.

    How can I let go of M1 to allow myself to get creative with M2? Have you experienced this kind of urge/need to have one project completed (in this case accepted) before starting the next?

    1. Yeah – that kind of thing is definitely part of the pro author’s life. I’v experienced that kind of issue a million times, and so have most other pros. You just live, learn… and drink gin

    2. I’ve just joined this group and now know, reading some posts, it’s going to provide endless hours of distraction and entertainment (read: procrastination). I’m currently grappling with the same issue. . . hope you got through your block. Midday on Wednesday. Is it too early for gin? 

  2. I am new to the site and therefore reading old posts and this one – a year ago tomorrow, caught my eye. One other strategy you might try, in addition to good wine and whisky, in my case, is to pull out the praise and bathe in it. Constructive criticism is fine, though not always! but lashings of love you is even better for getting your fingers moving. Here is some adoration  i received yesterday from the 11 year old son of my sister’s plumber who she asked to review some of my children’s books. He has given me feedback on 4 so far  and this is the latest. Swirl this around in a glass and feel the warmth reach right down to your creative bits!

    Review of The Last Crab in The World

    Dear DJ Hall

    Thank you very much for your new book I enjoyed reading this book here is my review I hope it helps.


    Everything it was a great book I really enjoyed I would read it again keep make these books and then it will definitely get published please keep making these wonderful books.



    From Michael