Switching between self-publishing and traditional
How to make the switch from one type of publishing to the other
Writing careers are fluid. We might start by self-publishing, pick up a digital-only deal, land a six-figure traditional deal and then ghost-write a series for an app. Writers don’t need to pick just one path to publication. So, how do you make the switch from one to the other?  
WEBINAR: Slushpile LIVE with Sam Copeland (FREE for members) 
TODAY. Join Jericho Writers to put your query letter and opening pages to the test with one of the biggest agents in the UK. Watch as Sam Copeland reads member’s work live in this exclusive webinar.  
NEW on Jericho Writers 
MASTERCLASS: Closing keynote with Cathy Bramley (FREE for members) 
Cathy started out self-publishing then switched to a traditional deal. Learn how she did this in the inspirational 2019 Festival of Writing closing keynote with Debi Alper.  
BLOG: Should self-published authors switch to a traditional deal? 
This article delves into the pros and cons of self and traditional publishing and asks whether the switch between the two is worth it – should it be the other way around? 
WEBINAR: The Writer, the Plotter, the Editor and You (FREE for members) 
26 September 2020. This four-part course kicks off on Saturday, looking at how writers can juggle writing, plotting and editing around their everyday lives. Join Jericho Writers and watch live as part of your membership. 
How to approach agents as an indie author 
Self-publishing and want to give traditional publishing a whirl? Most agents are more than happy to hear from indie authors. Although there are a couple of rules of thumb to keep in mind when you’re querying.  
- Have you sold upwards of 10,000 copies of your self-published books? If so, this might be something an agent wants to know. Publishers seem to love picking up indie authors with books that come with a ready-made audience – just look at authors like E. L. James or Kerry Wilkinson.  
- Are your sales less than 10,000? An agent needs to know if the title you are sending them is currently published and available elsewhere, but they don’t necessarily need to know your sales figures if they’re considered ‘low’. A short note in your cover letter saying ‘this book is currently available via KDP on Amazon and I retain all rights’ should tell them everything they need to know. If they’re interested in taking you on as a client, they will be able to advise on what to do with the title before sending to traditional publishers. 
- Submitting a brand-new, unpublished book? If you’re not a big-selling indie author, there’s no need to mention your previous self-published work in your initial submission. Write your query letter in the same way you would usually.  
Are you a self-published author looking for a literary agent? Or perhaps you had a traditional deal and are now looking to make the switch to self-publishing? Join for free and share your stories in the Townhouse here. 
Sarah J x 
Plus, don’t miss: 
Agent Submission Pack Review (Discounts available for members) 
Our experts will review your query letter, synopsis and opening 10,000 words – perfect for anyone who needs actionable feedback on their agent pitch. 
New programme of events for members (FREE for members) 
Join authors such as Catherine Johnson, agents such as Sam Copeland and editors such as Debi Alper for five webinars every month between now and the end of the year, exclusively for members. 
BURSARY: We’re giving away 10 annual memberships! 
To celebrate all the exciting new stuff going on at Jericho Writers, we’re giving 10 under-represented writers a free membership for a year. To enter, simply send an email to info@jerichowriters.com with the subject line ‘MEMBERSHIP BURSARY ENTRY’ by 24 September and tell us why you want to join Jericho Writers in 50 words. 