SPOTLIGHT FEATURE: Sarah McKenzie and her agency, Sarah McKenzie Literary Management

SPOTLIGHT FEATURE: Sarah McKenzie and her agency, Sarah McKenzie Literary Management

This is a must-read feature for our Australian and New Zealand members out there!

Sarah is Editorial Director and Lead Agent at her eponymous agency, which exclusively accepts submissions from Australian and New Zealand authors. The agency actively seeks full-length adult fiction (literary and commercial), nonfiction (except for academic and spirituality titles), and children’s fiction (picture books, middle-grade and young adult, graphic novels), with a particular focus on submissions from authors whose voices have historically been underrepresented.

A nonfiction author herself, Sarah brings a great deal of editing experience to her agenting work and is also a widely published freelance writer.

Check out the interview highlights below, and read it in full on Sarah’s AgentMatch profile.

Sarah McKenzie

Hi Sarah, thanks for sharing with us a bit about yourself and your agency! We would love to pass on to our Australian and New Zealand members what you’re looking for in submissions, your favourite books, and any advice you might have for querying authors.

Q. What’s at the top of your fiction wish-list?

For commercial fiction, I love to see character-driven, issues-based stories with a strong hook—bonus points if they manage a light touch or incorporate (an appropriate amount of) humour. And I’m always looking for twisty crime and psychological thrillers that offer something fresh and surprising. For literary fiction, I am looking for a narrative voice that really resonates and writing that shines. In our children’s list, I’m predominantly looking for issues-based works and humour, preferably from author-illustrators.

Q. What do you love when it comes to non-fiction?

I’m currently looking for narrative nonfiction and memoir that provides an insight into worlds that I might not otherwise know much about and books that explore social issues. I’m always interested in working with authors who already have an existing profile.

Q. What do you want to see in a query letter?

A well-defined hook that grabs me straight away and an author bio that tells me a little bit about your previous publishing history. Do not address your query letter to Dear Sir, and don’t tell me your book is the next Harry Potter.

Q. What about the synopsis?

Length is key. Don’t include back story, unnecessary detail or dialogue. Do introduce the main characters, the setting and the core conflict and concisely convey the narrative arc.

Q. What are you looking for in the opening pages of a novel?

I can’t resist a tightly-written opening sentence/paragraph that is original and really surprises me. I definitely CAN resist an opening paragraph that is meteorological—sunshine breaking through clouds/curtains/trees, or skies that are bruised or blushing!

Q. Tell us about a recent deal (or three) that really delighted you.

I have been thrilled by the industry response to Shelley Burr’s debut thriller, WAKE‚ which sparked an intense international bidding war. I’ve also been so proud to watch the continued success of Scott Stuart’s picture book, My Shadow is Pink, about a young boy breaking gender stereotypes that has been sold round the world. And I can’t wait to see the sequel, My Shadow is Purple—a book about a nonbinary child—launch in 2022.

Q. What’s been your favourite recent beach read? Your favourite recent heavyweight novel? A recent non-fiction book that you’ve been talking about with friends?

Recent favourites have included On Earth We’re Briefly Gorgeous by Ocean Vuong; Girl, Woman, Other by Bernardine Evaristo; The White Girl by Tony Birch; and The Vanishing Half by Brit Bennett.

Thanks again, Sarah!

In the meantime, if you’re struggling with your query letter and synopsis, do check out our free resources on our website. We have lots of info to help you on your way. Or, better still, if you’re a member with us, our lovely Writers Support team will be happy to offer you a free query letter review!

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