SPOTLIGHT FEATURE: Lynnette Novak from The Seymour Agency
Good morning, everyone!
We’re back to our regular Spotlight On scheduling with a wonderful interview with Lynnette Novak!
Lynnette is a literary agent with The Seymour Agency. Prior to becoming an agent she worked as a freelance editor for 17 years. Through mentoring in the 2015 and 2016 Pitch Wars (where both of her mentees acquired agents), she realised a love for agenting. Her editorial experience is valuable as an agent as she has an excellent understanding of what editors are looking for in books, and how best to pair her authors with editors.
Lynnette is interested in adult fiction, young adult fiction, middle grade, and children’s fiction. In all aside from children’s fiction, Lynnette is interested in books that explore darker genres, including thrillers, horror, psychological suspense, and mystery. She is also interested in romance, humour, fantasy, and sci-fi.
Check out some highlights from our interview with Lynnette below.

“Some writers confuse the pitch in the query with the synopsis. The pitch should tease the reader. Don’t give away too many details and don’t reveal the ending.”
Good afternoon Lynnette, thank you so much for taking the time to talk with us today! We would love to know more about how you became an agent, what you’re looking for in submissions, and more about your role as an agent.
Q. What brought you to agenting?
I was a teacher, freelance editor, and writer. I participated in PitchWars (an online contest where freelance editors and agented/published authors mentor writers for a few months). I LOVED going through the slush pile and selecting the project I wanted to work on and the author I wanted to work with. My mentees both acquired agents and one went on to become published. It was so rewarding to see their dreams come true, and I wanted to do that for other authors too. Plus, agenting is the BEST JOB EVER!!! I get to READ for a living!!!
Q. What’s at the top of your fiction wish-list?
I’m always looking for diverse authors and illustrators. With picture books, I’m looking for something that will really stand out, which isn’t as easy as one might think! In MG and YA, I’m really wanting a contemporary with a unique twist. A MG horror or mystery that keeps me engaged until the end is also on my wish list. I’m looking for YA horror, mysteries, and thrillers with a unique voice. YA fantasy is coming back! Yay!!! Send me something unique, something editors can’t put down. I also love graphic novels for early readers, middle grader, and young adults. As for adult fiction, I’m REALLY looking for more thrillers. I seriously can’t live without that dark side! Check out my full and current wish list on The Seymour Agency website.
Q. Is there any genre you’d rather not receive?
Erotic romance, historical romance, historical mysteries, or Christian fiction. I simply don’t read in those areas, so I wouldn’t be the best fit.
Q: What is a day in the life of an agent like for you?
Busy, busy, busy!!! Every day is different, which I like, so I’ll go through a few of the items I do on a regular basis (in no particular order).
-Answer emails from clients and editors.
-Have calls or Zoom video calls with editors (or meet them in person when possible).
-Read and/or edit client manuscripts.
-Prepare client submission packages.
-Research editors to create an editor list for each project I put out on sub.
-Prepare workshops for upcoming conferences.
-Participate in online or in-person conferences.
-Read through and negotiate contracts.
-Keep on top of query slush pile.
-Read requested submissions and either reject or set up a call with an author to discuss their projects and career goals/possibly offer to represent them.
-Brainstorm ideas with my clients.
-Participate in Zoom calls with #/TeamNovak.
-Meet with The Seymour Agency agents in a weekly Zoom.
-Comfort clients who need it.
-Send out monthly updates to those on submission, so they can see where their projects are sitting.
-Nudge editors who haven’t responded to queries and/or requested submissions.
-Track client submissions (rejections and what was said, when project was requests, etc.).
-Participate in interviews like this!
-Read published books to keep up with the market (and because I love to read!!!) Although, I only read published books in the evening and/or weekends. I’m too busy during the day!
-Stay on top of what’s selling through Publishers Weekly and Publishers Marketplace as well as discussing trends and editor wish lists with my colleagues.
-Participate in online pitch parties on Twitter and other places.
-Keep track of money owed (advance payments, royalties, etc.).
-Keep updated records for accounting purposes.
-Pursue possible rights sales: foreign, TV/Film, gaming, audio, comic book, and graphic novel rights.
-Announce sales, new clients, agenting advice, as well as post adorable animal photos on Twitter.
-And so much more!!! I LOVE THIS JOB!!! I REALLY, REALLY DO!!!
Q. What do you want to see in a synopsis. What should writers do? What should they avoid?
Some writers confuse the pitch in the query with the synopsis. The pitch should tease the reader. Don’t give away too many details and don’t reveal the ending. The synopsis is a different beast. There, we want to know the beginning, middle, and end. However, you shouldn’t include dialogue or descriptions of the characters or places. Just tell us what the story is about and how it ends. I’ll still want to see who the main character is and what they’re trying to achieve, as well as what’s keeping them from it and what would happen if they don’t achieve it. But here, I want to see this for both the external GMCs (goals, motivations, and conflicts) as well as the internal. How does the character grow by the end of the story? If it’s a romance, show me the romance arc too.
Q. What are some of your favourite authors and books?
This changes all the time. I can never settle with even a few favourites. I love to read, so I’m constantly exploring new authors (or new-to-me authors) as well as reading authors who’ve previously hooked me.
Q. What interests or passions do you have beyond the world of books? What do you love?
I love ANIMALS!!! If I could have an animal sanctuary, a zoo, a farm and a shelter, I would!!! I also love nature (even in the cold climate where I live!) I love crafting. I’m into so many types of crafts like: crocheting, cross stitching, needle felting, diamond painting, constructing miniature houses, adult coloring books, Rainbow Looms, yarn looms, and many more!!!
The full interview can be found on Lynnette’s AgentMatch profile.
In the meantime, if you’re struggling with your query letter and synopsis, do check out our free resources on our website. We have lots of info to help you on your way. Or, better still, if you’re a Premium Member with us, our lovely Writers Support team will be happy to offer you a free query letter review!