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Seeking an agent… and offering proofreading skills

Seeking an agent… and offering proofreading skills

Hello there everybody… this is my first experience of Townhouse, so I’m not sure what to do or what to say. I’ve finished my own memoir and am looking for an agent, and have had lots of positive comments but no bites yet, so any suggestions would be gratefully received. For any new mates I may make on here, I’m also a very good proofreader/editor!

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  1. Hi Deborah,
    Nice to e-meet you! I’m in the same boat of querying but no bites as yet – have had some really lovely rejections and some form ones so it feels like a mixed bag.
    What sort of novel are you querying?

  2. Hi Charlotte, lovely to hear from you, sorry it’s taken me so long to get back to you! I didn’t really know how Townhouse worked (still don’t). My book is a memoir of a rather extraordinary three to four years in my life. What’s your novel about? Are you in London and are you coming to the get-together at the Doggetts? It was my local when I worked nearby, so I thought I’d give it a try