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Memphis manuscript

Memphis manuscript

I’m looking for an agent to take a look at my work. I’ve completed a manuscript that may defy genres. I would consider it realistic fiction (with one fantasy conceit) but it may fit into the thriller or mystery category. Set in Memphis, Tennessee in the late 1980s, it follows a young out-of-his-element TV journalist who accidentally witnesses a brutal police incident. His reporting on it leads him to connect with a rock n roll legend (who did not die in 1977 but is still alive and living somewhat under the radar in Memphis) who may or may not be trying to help solve a mystery. The third point on this dramatic triangle is a beautiful Southern woman who falls in love with the reporter but is keeping an explosive secret. Together they face tragedy and redemption on the road to the Last Bridge To Memphis.

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  1. Hi Jim, if I understand correctly the “fantasy element” is that Elvis is still alive. Based on the information you provided your book is a mystery/thriller. Elvis being alive is just different version of reality. It’s doesn’t make the book fantasy. Same with the romantic subplot. Lots of mystery/thrillers have romantic subplots it doesn’t change the fact they are thrillers. My personal opinion is that you would to research and submit to agents who represents mystery/thrillers.

    1. Laure, Excellent! Yes, the only surreal twist is in adjusting the historical timeline a bit and having Elvis live into the 1980s so he could be a sub-character in the plot. Thank you for helping me think that through. Mystery/thriller it is!