Membership walkthrough week 2: Writing and Publishing Resources

Membership walkthrough week 2: Writing and Publishing Resources

Welcome back to the second edition of the Membership Walkthrough! 

Last week, we looked at Video Courses and how to make the most of them. This week, we’ll be looking at the biggest part of your membership in terms of sheer size – our masterclass videos.  

This forms a HUGE part of your membership, so we’ll look into detail at what’s included, where to find them and how to get started. As with the previous week, the links in this post will only work if you’re a logged-in member of Jericho Writers.  

Let’s get started! 

Writing and Publishing resources: what are they?   

Your membership contains over 400 video masterclasses on just about every part of writing and publishing – and we add new ones every week. These are all 100% included in your membership and available to you anytime, anywhere.  

The reason we pack in so much stuff is that no two writers are the same. Not even the same writer is the same from day to day! One minute we’ll need advice on plot – next minute we’ve hit a wall with a secondary character – and meanwhile in the back of our head, we’re worrying about publishing.  

Whatever you need advice on, there’s probably a video for that! And when there isn’t, you can just let us know and we’ll add one as soon as we can (or point you in the right direction to an existing one).  

These video masterclasses take the form of recorded live workshops delivered in-person, or via a webinar. We also have specifically-created short films and interviews with interesting people, on topics previous members told us they’d like to know more about – such as How to Win a Writing Competition, or Behind the Scenes at a Publisher. Some are ten-minute quick tips and some are three-hour mini-courses. With all of them, you can pause and skip through the content as needed.  

Where to find your Writing and Publishing resources 

There are a few ways to find the right video you need. The first is to simply use the search bar at the top of every page. Try searching for ‘plot’ and see videos and articles explaining how to plot. You can also use this to find specific videos with a tutor you like, or a replay of a past webinar you missed (just make sure you’re logged in when you search!)

My favourite way though is to browse. At the time of writing (September 2021) all content is neatly filed in the category that best suits the topic. On your Member Dashboard, you’ll find a map of different categories to make browsing easier:  


Under ‘Writing Resources’ you’ll find videos on Motivation (including success stories and keynotes); Story Idea (including writing exercises); Character (including protagonists, antagonists and secondary characters); Self-Editing (including advice from our own Debi Alper) and Plot (including how to fix a broken one!). You’ll also find specifics on Writing Techniques, such as Tools (such as Scrivener); Theme; Setting; Dialogue; Voice and Prose. And if that’s not enough, you can explore advice relating to your genre too – just choose the topic most relating to your story.  

Under ‘Publishing Resources’, you’ll find advice on Agents (and how to get one); Publishers (and what they do); and Publishing Options (including help deciding what route is best for you). You’ll find advice on self-publishing split into handy sub-topics, including Book Creation, Marketing and Success Stories.  

Each of these pages links to masterclass videos as well as useful modules from video courses too.  

Tips on how to get started with Writing and Publishing Resources 

400 videos is a lot of videos, and we’ve not had a member ‘complete’ the membership yet! 

Thankfully, you don’t need to. The biggest tip I can give you for making full use of this content is to use it as your personal tutor as-and-when you need it. Coming to the end of your manuscript with no idea how to end it? We have a masterclass for that. Thinking about submitting to the S&S Open Submission Day with Jericho Writers, but not sure what digital-first publishing means? We have a masterclass for that, too.  

As with anything with your membership, if you need a hand finding anything, or further tips on how to make the most out of it, our brilliant Writer Support team are on hand, by email or phone.  

We created the membership as a way to give writers access to a library of expert information and advice on all aspects of writing and publishing, and this forms a huge part of that. New skills are at your fingertips – I hope you enjoy exploring and learning at your own pace!  

Next week, we’ll be hearing from our own Anna Burtt on the LIVE part of your membership, with Member Events. See you then! 


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