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Members get a free 1-2-1 this January when they refer a friend

Members get a free 1-2-1 this January when they refer a friend

Members of Jericho Writers – do you know a writer who could benefit from becoming a member? 

Refer a friend to us this January 2020, and you’ll get a free, half-hour one-to-one with one of our top editors! 

What’s more, your friend will gain access to all the video courses, masterclasses, and AgentMatch tools you enjoy – as well as an exciting new schedule of webinars. 

Let’s kick start your (and their!) new year in style. 

How to claim

1)    Find a writer friend who you think could benefit from a year’s membership.

2)    Ask them to join Jericho Writers annually before 31 January 2020.

3)    Once they’ve joined, send their name and your name in an email to, with the subject line, ‘January one-to-one offer’.

4)    You might also want to take this opportunity to chat about what you’re working on at the moment. Maybe let us know the genre of your work, or where you are in the writing process. This will help us match you to the best editor (and we always genuinely want to know this stuff anyway). 

5)    We’ll introduce you to one of our editors, who will arrange the time for your one-to-one, via Skype, phone, or email (if that’s easier).

The reward

You probably know by now that we work with some of the very best editors in the world. We’ve commandeered a group of some of our favourites for this offer, including legends such as Amanda Saint and C M Taylor (from The Ultimate Novel Writing Course fame!) 

In your one-to-one, you’ll get the chance to chat to your editor about… anything! Well, we recommend keeping it to the subject of writing, but other than that, you could ask them for feedback on your opening paragraph, or find out the best way to unstick a particularly troublesome plot point. Whatever you need help with – our editors are here for you. 

One-to-ones can be taken at any time that suits you both, but will need to be completed by 31 March 2020. They are 30 minute sessions exclusively for members who have referred a friend between 1 January 2020 and 31 January 2020. Your friend will need to join Jericho Writers with an annual membership to qualify.

We’re looking forward to welcoming new friends to Jericho this month! We’re scheduling some really exciting stuff for 2020, so it’s never been a better time to be part of the Jericho clan. 

Thanks guys – happy new year!

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