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Members | Exciting changes are coming to Jericho Writers

Members | Exciting changes are coming to Jericho Writers

Exploring your membership is about to get a whole lot easier 

The newsletter this week is a little different. You might have spotted our recent hints that changes are coming to Jericho Writers. Well, this newsletter will tell you more about the new stuff we’re cooking up and what you’ve got to look forward to. This is a super-exciting time for us and we are SO looking forward to sharing what we’ve been working on! 

WEBINARS: Self-Publishing Month is go! 

Meanwhile, don’t forget to register for the two webinars this week, looking first at How to Self-Publish on Amazon on 9 April, and then How to Sell Books by the Truckload on 12 April. The way you access member webinars won’t be changing, so feel free to register for as many as you want as usual. 


Coming soon to Jericho Writers:

An exciting new brand makeover  

We’re changing our brand colours and logo to better reflect our personality. Soon, you’ll see this newsletter in new, vibrant clothing that has writing right at its heart – just like we do. We’re still going to be the same Jericho inside, but we’re so excited to share this new look with you. Watch this space. 

An easier way to explore your membership content 

With the new brand will come a new website! This has been specifically designed with your feedback in mind and will make exploring all the content available to you as a member a whole lot easier. You don’t need to do anything for the switch – you’ll keep the same login details and we’ll send you an email when the new site is live, so you can explore the new changes yourself. We think you’re going to love it! 

More films, events and opportunities  

These new changes mark the start of a very exciting year for members. We’re cooking up new professional video courses; more live events; a new community portal and more options to get help with your writing. Basically – if you can dream it, we’re going to do everything we can to help make it happen.  

Why the new look and website? 

When you’ve been going for as long as we have (eighteen years this Spring!) you need a little refresh every now and again. But above that – it’s important to us that we continue to offer writers high-quality, genuinely useful advice in the best way possible. 

Last year, we asked you what you loved about Jericho Writers, and what could be improved. We’ve taken that feedback and incorporated it into a brand new style that I really hope you’ll all feel proud to be a part of – one that celebrates and supports all creative writers across fiction and non-fiction, no matter their background.  

We also incorporated your feedback into the new website design. If it feels like there’s a lot of stuff in your Jericho membership – that’s because there is! You have access to almost 300 video tutorials; a live webinar every week; AgentMatch; Ask Jericho – plus more added all the time. Our job is to be here for you throughout your career, as you develop and progress, and this new website will hopefully make it much easier to do that. 

The important thing to know about this is that you don’t need to do anything at all. At some point overnight, our elves will make the switch and we’ll all wake to new colours. You’ll still have access to everything you do now – it will just look a little better, and be easier to explore.  

Excited about the new changes? Have any questions or concerns? Share your thoughts in the Community as usual, or drop us a line direct and we’ll help any way we can. We’re still the same team behind the scenes! 

Sarah J x 

Plus, don’t miss: 

Agent Submission Pack assessment (10% discount available)  

Getting rejected without feedback? Our expert editors can give you advice on your entire submission package to help you pinpoint what’s not working.  

Agent one-to-one sessions for April (10% discount available)  

Bag yourself a fifteen-minute call with an agent or a book doctor to talk exclusively about your work. Now booking throughout April.  

Manuscript Assessment  (10% discount available)

Our most popular editorial service matches you to your dream editor and gives you tailored feedback on your work. It doesn’t get better than that.

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  1. One of the best organisations that I’ve ever been a member of!  I can’t always keep up with you but I love everything that you all do and am so very pleased to be part of the club!!!  Greatest thanks to Harry et al!!❤️