JW Newsletter: What’s the right price for your eBook?
How to price your own books 
Do you sell your eBook at 99p and (hopefully) entice the masses? Or do you set the price higher and reap the rewards? This newsletter looks at the tricky questions asked by indie authors ahead of our Self-Publishing Day this weekend. We look forward to seeing some of you there!  
EVENT: The Self-Publishing Day events (10% discount for members) 
Final call! Join indie experts at London’s Regent’s University this Saturday for a jam-packed day for anyone wanting to take charge of their publishing.  
COURSE: All about pricing (FREE for members) 
This module plucked from the Self-Publishing video course is all about pricing. From the costs associated with launching your book – all the way to what to charge for people to read it.  
BLOG: What does it cost to self-publish a book?  
Editing, cover design, advertising… it all adds up. This short, honest blog contains a breakdown of what you might expect to pay upfront when self-publishing. ¬†
MASTERCLASS: Auditing your sales pathway (FREE for members) 
Join Dave Gaughran and Harry Bingham at the Self-Publishing Day last year, as they go into detail about the things you can do to convince readers to buy your book. 
Content corner: What a trad author can learn at a Self-Publishing Day 
One of the highlights of working at Jericho Writers, is that I get to sit in on world-leading workshops on things I might never otherwise go to. The Self-Publishing Day being one of those. 
I’m a trad writer. But I’ve probably learned more about the nuts-and-bolts of being an “author” at the Self-Publishing Day, than I have at any other event.  
For example: marketing. This isn‚Äôt something that‚Äôs taught by a publisher. In fact, if it weren‚Äôt for the Self-Publishing Day, I wouldn‚Äôt know about the importance of having¬†reader‚Äôs magnets to build a dedicated list of readers. I‚Äôd have missed out on the opportunity to build relationships with my readers, and ultimately ‚Äì I’d have missed out on sales. ¬†
They key takeaway from The Self-Publishing Day for me though is the feeling of control. As a trad author ‚Äì there’s so much that‚Äôs out of my hands. From the cover design, all the way to the book‚Äôs title. But the Self-Publishing Day shows writers how to put themselves back in control of their careers. It tells us that with hard-work and a whole lot of learning, we can all take a proactive approach to publishing and get our words out there. ¬†
So – over to you. What key takeaways have you spotted in the self-publishing world? Share your views in the Townhouse, here.  
Sarah J 
Plus, don’t miss: 
Complete Novel Mentoring (Discounts available for members) 
Work with one of four of our expert mentors when writing or editing your book – each with decades of experience (and prize-winning books!) 
Manuscript Assessment  (Discounts available for members) 
 Our most popular editorial service matches you to your dream editor and gives you tailored feedback on your work. It doesn’t get better than that. 
Community Writing book club (Open to all) 
Join the Townhouse community for the first writing book club! We‚Äôll all be reading ‘Into The Woods: How Stories Work and Why We Tell Them’ by John Yorke by the end of March. ¬†