JW Newsletter: How to write a novel in an afternoon

JW Newsletter: How to write a novel in an afternoon

Have limited time to write?

As I write this JW newsletter, I have two books nagging at me that need to be edited and sent before the end of February. But with what time(?!) when there’s a full-time job / life to think about? This newsletter looks at how to turbo-charge limited writing time and make the most of a free afternoon.  


EVENTS: The Self-Publishing and Getting Published Day events (10% discount for members) 

Talking about turbo-charging time… Learn how to kick-start your indie career at the upcoming Self-Publishing Day, and connect with top literary agents at the Getting Published Day. One day – a whole lot of knowledge.  

The Self-Publishing Day (Regent’s College London – 14 March 2020) 

The Getting Published Day – Special Edition (Regent’s College London – 28 March 2020) 



MASTERCLASS: How to write a novel in an afternoon – part one (FREE) 

In the first of three parts of this masterclass, join a group of writers as they go from initial idea to full novel outline in just an afternoon. Easy to replicate (and a lot of fun!) 




BURSARY: Two, free places on our Self-Edit your Novel course  

Thanks to a self-edit alumni who wishes to remain anonymous, we have TWO free places on this life-changing course to give away to under-represented / low-income writers. Deadline 1 March.  



COMMUNITY: Writing book club (FREE) 

Join the Townhouse community for the first writing book club! We’ll all be reading ‘Into The Woods: How Stories Work and Why We Tell Them’ by John Yorke by the end of March. Read, learn and discuss.  



Content corner: How to stay motivated to write for an entire day 

Writing time is precious. So why are we filled with the sudden urge to tidy the kitchen as soon as we clear a day to write? 

Well – because writing is hard. Sometimes almost impossibly so. And forcing our brains to work creatively in ringfenced time can feel unnatural. But – if you’re like me and juggling a day job alongside caring commitments – you don’t have much choice. It’s write now, or never.  

If you’re struggling to start, try doing some access exercises. I like to stand up, pace the room and talk to myself about what I’m stuck on. I also like writing down the questions I’m finding difficult to answer, or plotting something on a whiteboard. Some people even find writing 100 words on something completely different helps. (If so, prompt: a frozen lake. Go.) 

One you start, keep yourself in that chair by any means necessary. Hide your phone. Disconnect the internet. Take regular breaks, but keep them short, and keep your head in the game. Record how many words you’ve written, or tick off your edits on a list. Tell yourself you’re awesome, because you are.  

And at the end of the day, when you’re feeling tired and worn and wondering if it’s possible to have another weekend where you actually rest – reward yourself. Because, friend – you bloody deserve it.  

How do you keep yourself motivated to write for a long stretch of time? Share in the Townhouse here.  

Sarah J 


Plus, don’t miss: 


Complete Novel Mentoring (Discounts available for members) 

Work with an expert tutor as you write or edit your book. We have three world-leading authors at your disposal covering everything from children’s books to sci-fi.  

The Getting Published Day – Special Edition (Discounts available for members) 

28 March 2020, London. Join agents, editors and publishers as this special extended edition of the Getting Published day event.  

Manuscript Assessment  (Discounts available for members) 

 Our most popular editorial service matches you to your dream editor and gives you tailored feedback on your work. It doesn’t get better than that. 



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  1. Thanks, Sarah, just as soon as I finish the day time stuff and then sleep through the nighttime stuff, I shall be onto this ASAP 😉 Jest aside, I shall look forward/s to part 1 of the how to write a novel in an afternoon – well assuming the spell checker doesn’t floor me first . . . .