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How to write a climactic scene

How to write a climactic scene


How to write climactic scenes

If you’ll forgive the double entendre, the best climax is all about the build up. This newsletter shines a light on all the ways that plotting, pacing and delivery can lead to a climactic scene that will stun as well as satisfy readers.

Webchat: Ask an author 

In our first community webchat with a bestselling author, you can ask all those questions you always wanted to about the writing process, getting an agent, being traditionally published and anything in between.



MASTERCLASS: The dos and don’ts for strong pace (FREE for members)

Filmed live at the Festival of Writing 2018, top crime and thriller writer Eve Seymour shares her tips for creating a strong pace. An ideal masterclass for anyone experiencing a soggy middle!



VIDEO: How to inject pace (FREE for members)

In this powerful Jericho Snapshot, YA author Sarah Juckes shows you how to inject pace using a thrilling scene from her own book Outside as an example.



FEATURE: How to write a thriller (FREE for members)

Guest author and blogger Eve Seymour shares her seven secrets for writing thrillers you just can’t put down.


Content corner: Writing climactic scenes using the bomb theory

Alfred Hitchcock credited the nail biting suspense of his most climactic scenes to the ‘bomb theory’. Regardless of genre or format, we can all learn from the master filmmaker.

“There is a distinct difference between ‘suspense’ and ‘surprise’,” Hitchcock explained. Learning this distinction is key to building climactic scenes in films, and books. 

Picture a scene where two characters are having an innocent chat at a table. In the ‘surprise’ scenario, nothing happens and then suddenly a bomb explodes. Sure, we’re surprised but surprise fades fast and ultimately we’re unfulfilled and a little non-plussed.

Now consider the suspense approach. We know someone has hidden a bomb under a table. We are told that the bomb will explode at one o’clock and there is a clock in the background telling us it’s a quarter to one. 

“In these conditions, the same innocuous conversation becomes fascinating because the public is participating in the scene. The audience is longing to warn the characters: ‘You shouldn’t be talking about such trivial matters. There is a bomb beneath you and it is about to explode!’”

Watching the normal conversation is now agonising, and when the bomb finally explodes, it is almost a relief. 

Whether your climax is a romantic meet-cute, the punchline of a situational joke, a grisly murder or a car crash, the satisfaction comes from watching the threads being woven together, tighter and tighter. And then… bang!

Truly climactic scenes stay with you. Share your favourite take-your-breath-away shocks, twists and payoffs on Townhouse

– Holly Seddon


Plus, don’t miss:

Complete Novel Mentoring (Discounts available for members) 

Work with an expert tutor as you write or edit your book. We have three world-leading authors at your disposal covering everything from children’s books to sci-fi.  

Manuscript Assessment  (Discounts available for members) 

Our most popular editorial service matches you to your dream editor and gives you tailored feedback on your work. It doesn’t get better than that. 

Parents community group: How to write around children

We’ve started a new group for all parents currently trying to write with children at home. Tips, advice, helpful resources for keeping kids occupied and happy while we’re trying to write… and of course, a space to have a really good moan when it all gets a bit too much.  

P.s. 3D printed face shields – we can all help!


A member of our Jericho Writers family is part of a brilliant project to 3D print face shields to donate to hospitals throughout the UK. Thousands of people have volunteered their time and printers to do this, and they need all the donations they can get to fulfill the ever-growing demand. If you would like to learn more and donate, please visit If you can’t donate, perhaps you can share the link with others?


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