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How To Title a Book

How To Title a Book

Of all the writing habits I have, one of the worst – the worst from good financial sense point of view – is that I like writing LONG books.

My first novel was a spine-breaking 180,000 words. Not one of my novels has ever been less than 110,000 words. The first “short story” I wrote was 8,000 words, which is to say miles too long to be an actual short story. Heck, even this email is likely to be far longer than any other email you get in your inbox today.

Ah well. There are some things you can’t fight, and my addiction to length is one of them.

But that also means that when it comes to short-form copy, I’m at a loss.

I’m not especially good at book blurbs, which want to be about 100-120 words (depending a bit on layouts and where you’re expecting them to appear.) Since titles need to be short and punchy, I’m not especially good at those either.

In a word: I’m pretty damn rubbish when it comes to coming up with titles … and this email is going to tell you how to write them.

Which means if you want to ignore the entire contents of what follows, on the basis that I obviously, obviously, obviously don’t know what I’m talking about, then I have to say that the evidence is very much in your favour.

That said, I think it’s clear enough what a title needs to do. It wants to:

  1. Be highly consistent with your genre
  2. Offer some intrigue – for example, launch a question in the mind of the reader
  3. Ideally, it’ll encapsulate “the promise of the premise” in a few very short words, distilling the essence of your idea down to its very purest form.

The genre-consistency is the most essential, and the easiest to achieve. It matters a lot now that so many books are being bought on Amazon, because book covers – at the title selection stage – are no more than thumbnails. A bit bigger than a phone icon, but really not much. So yes, the cover has to work hard and successfully in thumbnail form, but the title has more work to do now than it did before.

Genre consistency is therefore key. Your title has to say to your target readers, “this is the sort of book that readers like you like”. It has to invite the click through to your book page itself. That’s its task.

The intrigue is harder to do, but also kinda obvious. “Gone Girl” works because of the Go Girl / Gone Girl pun, and those double Gs, and the brevity. But it also works because it launches a question in the mind of the reader: Who is this girl and why has she gone? By contrast, “The Girl on the Train” feels a little flat to me. There are lots of women on lots of trains. There’s nothing particularly evocative or intriguing in the image. I don’t as it happens think that book was much good, but I don’t think the title stood out either. (I think the book sold well because of some pale resemblances between the excellent Gone Girl and its lacklustre sister. The trade, desperate for a follow-up hit to Gone Girl, pounced on whatever it had.)

The third element in a successful title – the “promise of the premise” one – is really hard to do. I’ve not often managed it, and I’ve probably had a slightly less successful career as a result.

So what works? Well, here are some examples of titles that do absolutely nail it:

The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo

Brilliant! That title didn’t translate the rather dour and serious Swedish original (Man Som Hatar Kvinnor / Men Who Hate Women). Rather it took the brilliance of the central character and captured her in six words. She was a girl (vulnerable), and she had a tattoo (tough and subversive), and the tattoo was of a dragon (exotic and dangerous). That mixture of terms put the promise of the book’s premise right onto the front cover and propelled the book’s explosive success.

Incidentally, you’ll notice that the title also completely excludes mention of Mikael Blomkvist, who is as central to that first book as Salander is. But no one bought the book for Blomkvist and no one remembers the book for Blomkvist either. So the title cut him out, and did the right thing in doing so.

The Da Vinci Code

Brilliant. Dan Brown is fairly limited as a writer, but it was a stroke of genius to glue together the idea of ancient cultural artefacts with some kind of secret code. Stir those two things up with a bit of Holy Grail myth-making and the result (for his audience) was commercial dynamite.

And – boom! – that dynamite was right there in the title too. The Da Vinci part namechecks the world’s most famous artist. The Code part promises that there are secret codes to be unravelled.

Four words delivering the promise of the premise in full.

I let You Go

This was Clare Mackintosh’s breakout hit, about a mother whose young son was killed in a hit-and-run car accident. The promise of the premise is right there in four very short words … and given a first person twist, which just adds a extra bite to the hook in question. A brilliant bit of title-making.


So that’s what a title wants to do. A few last comments to finish off.

One, I think it’s fair to say that it’s quite rare a title alone does much to propel sale success.

Because there are a lot of books out there, and because everyone’s trying to do the same thing, there’s not much chance to be genuinely distinctive. My fifth Fiona Griffiths novel was called The Dead House, but there are at least three other books on Amazon with that title, or something very like it. That didn’t make my title bad, in fact – it did the promise of the premise thing just fine – but I certainly couldn’t say my title was so distinctive it did anything much for sales.

Two, if you’re going for trad publishing, it’s worth remembering that absolutely any title you have in mind at the moment is effectively provisional. If your publishers don’t like it, they’ll ask you to change it. And if they don’t like your title #2, they’ll ask you to come up with some others. In short, if, like me, you’re bad at titles, you just don’t need to worry too much (if you’re going the trad publishing route, that is.) There’s be plenty of opportunity to hone your choice well prior to publication.

Three, you don’t want to think about title in isolation. There should, ideally, be a kind of reverberation between your title and the cover. That reverberation should be oblique rather than direct. Clare Mackintosh’s I Let You Go had for its cover image a butterfly trapped against a window – a metaphorical reference to the anguish of the book’s premise. If instead it had shown a mother obviously distraught as a car struck her son, the cover – and title – would have seemed painfully clunky and ridiculous.

If you get a great cover image that doesn’t work with your chosen title, then change the title. If you have a superb title and your cover designer’s image is too directly an illustration of it, then change the image. That title/cover pairing is crucial to your sales success, so you can afford no half-measures in getting it right.

That’s all from me.

My kids are making elderflower cordial and singing as they do so. They are also wearing helmets for no reason that I can possibly understand.

Till soon


PS: Want to know what I think of your title? Then I’ll tell you. Just pop your title (plus short description of your book) in the comments below. I’ll tell you what I think.

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  1. Title: Dreamwalker

    Back cover blurb: 

    Every night, I have the same dream.
    No, not the same dream – that would be really boring. And this is so not boring.
    I mean I dream about the same person again and again; I live her life as well as my own.  

    Everyone expects Luke to make big decisions – but isn’t thirteen too young to decide where he wants his life to go? And these problems are nothing compared to the problems he has while he’s asleep. When Luke’s asleep, he’s someone else.

    Aliya has unusual dreams, too. She can walk into other people’s dreams and see through their eyes … But this ability is dangerous, because people are dying and the mysterious illness seems to be a nightmare from which no-one wakes.

    Although Aliya doesn’t want to be a dreamwalker, she is the only one who can protect her family and her whole community from a danger no-one else can understand. As she journeys to find answers, she must deal with shamans and elemental spirits, melodramatic dragons and inept highwaymen, as well as the trickiest problem of all: herself.

    And where Aliya travels, Luke goes too. Of course he does: she’s just a part of his imagination. She has to be, right?

  2. I would leave a book title for Harry’s feedback – but it doesn’t like he’s replying to this thread? (Old thread, sure, but it was high up on the home page of the site.)

  3. Just in case Harry does look at this my title is The Quest for Purpose – a memoir telling the story of my journey from IT professional to founder of a social enterprise that transforms the lives of people in prison

  4. Hello Harry,


    YA – target wc: 85,000.

    I wrap the concept of some imaginary SciFi tech: Light Intensified Forecasting Technology around the various definitions of the word lift; ie to raise to a height, to boost someone’s spirits or emotions; or the colloquial verb-meaning; to steal.

    The key phrase here is explored in various ways; with the overarching themes around “Found-family/friendships.”

    Chapter delineations are separated by various definitions of the term as the story travels along its plotline:

    Meteorology student, Benjamin ‘Bic’ Penn, and his fellow storm chasers pursue one of their own after their tech is stolen.

    What do you think? Any suggestions, insights, or comments?

    Also, just wanted to thank you for the brilliantly presented piece entitled:

    The strange pleasure of writing fiction

    “Find Your Happy”

    Thank you, it was just what I needed to read this week.

    Many thanks, and may your team continue to work effectively, so you can continue to enjoy, “the bliss of that no.”


  5. Hello Harry,

    I hope you are still checking responses to this post from time to time. I am late in commenting.

    I have had various working titles for this project none of which have survived the time of editing. I am currently considering – Love, Love me Two as the title. The book is a contemporary romance that involves twins and a primary and secondary love story, plus an element of a second chance in the primary story. 

  6. Hi Harry, and anyone else who wants to comment:

    I share a similar angst about picking titles.  I am editing a debut space opera novel, but what should I call it?

    Logline:  A young starship pilot is sent by an alien on a secret mission to discover why the universe is unravelling.

    Theme: Love is a gift not a conquest.

    A Story: origin of the  space opera single combat warrior hero who just wants to marry and raise a family thrown into galactic politics and oh, by the way, the universe will end if somebody doesn’t figure out why stars are going nova and you’ve been tasked for the job after being cashiered out of your battlefleet academy by a jealous nobleman.

    B Story: you are in love with a woman and are trying to earn her love, without knowing who she really is and not realizing she is in love with you already.

    The protagonist’s handle/name, is Firehill.

    Any ideas for a title?

  7. Hi Harry,

    My book is what I would personally describe as literary fiction, although I might be wrong. It is set SOLELY in a New York restaurant, with the story following a couple on their date nights (every Tuesday) throughout the course of their lives. My current working title is “Tuesday at Richie’s” (Richie is the name of both the restaurant owner and the restaurant itself); however, I am now tempted to change it to either “Table for One” – referring to the narrator, who is an eavesdropper – or “The Table by the Window,” which is where my main couple sit. I’d love to know your thoughts if you could spare the time.



  8. Hello Harry.  How about: ‘Elderflower in the Evening’? – inspiration from your pic.

    But seriously, mine’s called ‘Ironmaster.’ The last child of Katherine of Aragon didn’t die – and the King was not her father. She’s spirited away to Sussex, raised by an Ironmaster and mentored by a Cavalryman. But her secret’s waiting to explode.

    Maybe? or Nah, rubbish.

  9. ‘Swings and Roundabouts’. A family saga over three generations with all the ups and downs that that encompasses; short-lived, far-reaching, minor and major. 

    When my son asked me what it was about, I told him it was just a normal story. He said,’Why don’t you call it, ‘Just a normal story’? I still prefer ‘Swings and Roundabouts’.