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How to get a book published

How to get a book published

All the essential info on traditional publishing, in one place 

Write a book – get an agent – get published. It sounds simple when you put it like that, but it seems like there are all kinds of hurdles to jump between each of those stages. This newsletter pops the key information you need to get traditionally published, all in one handy place.  

WEBINAR: Writing to market, with Melissa Addey (Exclusive to members) 

24 June 2020. Join indie expert Melissa Addey as she takes the six-step process used in business and applies it to developing ideas for books, to ensure your ideas sell – however you’re looking to publish.  




VIDEO COURSE: Getting Published (FREE for members) 

With over ten hours of professional-level course material, this video course is free to members and covers everything from the idea to your book, to what you need to know after you’ve landed a book deal. 



BLOG: How to get a book published in 2020 

This flagship article discusses your options as a writer and links you to further reading on building a submission package, going direct to a publisher and even the options offered by self-publishing.  


SUMMER FESTIVAL: More one-to-one slots added (10% discount for members) 

Beat the slushpile this summer with a fifteen-minute phone call with an agent of your choice – UK and US. These are selling incredibly fast, so snap them up whilst you can. 


Content corner: Alternative ways of getting your writing in front of readers 

There was a time when the form of the novel was exactly that – an entirely new and unusual thing, that was generally looked down upon.  

These days, ‘novel’ ways to reach readers include digital platforms such as blogs, eBooks and social media. There are video games to be written, stories to be played in virtual reality and free platforms reaching millions of readers a day.  

Whether this counts as ‘publishing’ or not is up for debate. In my opinion though – any format that engages readers is a worthwhile and wonderful thing to get involved in.  

If novels are still very much your jam, there are different ways to get them in front of readers, too. Publishers are now offering book deals via a competition. For some, you don’t need an agent at all. Others use crowdfunding to build readership and you can even now easily go-it-alone and have your book live and for sale in minutes. 

So – what do you think? Is “write a book – land a literary agent – get published” the only ‘real’ publishing? Or do you know of other ways to reach readers? Sign up for free and share your thoughts in the Townhouse, here.

Stay well x 

Sarah J  

Plus, don’t miss: 

Manuscript Assessment  (Discounts available for members) 

Our most popular editorial service matches you to your dream editor and gives you tailored feedback on your work. It doesn’t get better than that. 

Webinar replays now live (members only)

We’ve just added the latest batch of membership webinar replays to the website, including webinars by literary agents, and Harry Bingham’s elevator pitch webinar. 

Self-Edit Your Novel course bursary open now

Deadline 31 August. We’re offering one place on Debi Alper‚Äôs Self-Editing tutored course starting in September, to one worthy under-represented writer. ¬†


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