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Hello, how are you?

Hello, how are you?

Hey guys, I’m so sorry you haven’t heard from me in a while. It’s been really stressful back home with my parents getting a divorce and then their finance struggles, I’m the only child at home so it definitely took a toll on me.

But good-ish news, my time gone wasn’t wasted. I definitely have been working on my novel since, and I’m close to finishing editing. Might even show something from it here soon. Might 😂

But I’m more concerned about how you guys are. I hope everyone is well. I’m getting back on my feet and I’ll be more active. 

The point is: how are you?

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  1. Welcome back, Sibo. You’ve been missed.

    Well done being almost finished with the editing. (What does that mean, anyway? (I’ve got another 56k words to work through, to be finished with this round of edits…)

    Besies that, editing, more story ideas, another non-fiction project started, gtting older. You know, the usual.

    1. Thank you so much! Yea you’re right, I should say this round of edits. I still have revisions to do, so maybe April-May, I’ll be sending out to Beta readers, which includes you lovely folks.

      Glad to hear your good. 56k. You got this, Rick. 

      1. I entered my first ever writing competition and then I also entered the same piece in the Page Turner Mentor Award. Now I’m trying to focus on my next book but I’m having trouble switching gears…

  2. Hi Sibo. Wondered where you had got to! Sorry you’ve had a rough time but glad you’re progressing with your writing.

    I am procrastinating over edits, synopsis and query letters in between work and home life being busy so no change there.

  3. Hi Sibo! Nice to see you back. Sorry you’ve been having such a tough time and well done for being able to focus on your book through it – a tough call. 

    I’ve been subbing to some novel opening comps, swapping critiques with a couple of kindly people on here, continuing with the serving draft of my WIP, still waiting on an agent.

    Feels like situation normal! 😀

      1. Aw, sweet of you to remember. Yes, I sent him the full MS at the start of November… and tumbleweeds since. A writer friend had a 121 with the same agent last week and he told her his reading list was huge, so hoping that’s part of the delay. I’ll give him a couple more weeks then nudge him, just to remind him I exist 🙂 

        Sounds like you were busy writing – happy with your progress?

        1. I hope he replies soon! If his reading list huge, that makes sense, I don’t think he would delay this long on purpose. 

          I’m quite happy with the progress, thanks for asking. My story has definitely improved. I’ve definitely learnt a lot thanks to Jericho! I also learnt steps you take don’t have to be big, they just have to get you in the right direction. 

  4. Welcome back. Glad writing is helping you through.

    I’m now about two thirds through the structural edit/rewrite of draft two of version two of my WIP. Going slowly, but I’m hoping to speed up now I’m past the middle muddle. 😉

  5. Hey, SIbo. Great to have you back. Sorry to hear about everything you’ve been through, but I’m glad you’ve used your writing as an outlet. It can certainly work wonders.

    I’ve decided to submit as many stories as possible to literary mags. It’s not really something I’ve focused on  before. Already had a couple of rejections, but I will plough on.
    Recently started playing with poetry as well which is interesting.