Call My Agents – better still they’ll call you!

Call My Agents – better still they’ll call you!

If you have been anything like me this last year, you have likely been typing away at the keyboard – with one eye on the TV remote. While we have all had to re-think our working habits this last year (and put blinkers on to avoid procrastination), we can still do far more from the comfort of our own home Рor whilst lounging in the sun Рthan ever before, even post-lockdown. Things like talk to an agent!

Yes, contrary to what popular TV programmes, such as Call My Agent!, might have you believe, agents are not the heartless beasts that we envision them to be. Like anyone in lockdown, agents have had to change the way they operate. And while submissions are higher than ever, there has also arisen new ways for them to build their lists…such as our one-to-one sessions, that are now available all year round!

If you haven’t heard about this service already then you, my friend, are missing out. In a literary world of overflowing slushpiles, our one-to-ones guarantee that an agent will read your submission and provide detailed feedback. In fact, during a fifteen minute phone conversation, an agent from a leading literary agency will provide you with advice on your query letter, synopsis and first 5,000 words of your manuscript. Pretty snazzy, right?  

So, besides the obvious, what are the benefits? 

  • Agents can spend up to an hour reading and making notes on your work in preparation for this service. I don‚Äôt know about you, but I think that beats being at the bottom of the slushpile any day.¬†
  • We currently offer sessions all year round, with far more agents, than anyone else out there. So, you will have more choice and more time to prepare.¬†
  • Agents are people too, and they love to chat about books. Have any reservations about the market, genre, comparable titles, future of deals? Ask away!¬†
  • Finally (and this is a big one), you need not cry into your coffee cup wondering why on earth your title hasn‚Äôt been picked up yet. They will tell you. I mean, that‚Äôs what this service is for ‚Äì feedback!

If you believe you are ready to submit to agents, but are not 100% sure, then sign right up. Equally, if you are out on submission and the agent of your dreams is now offering sessions, book one while they’re hot. Summer sessions are up now! These sessions do sell out fast, so, if you find that your preferred agent is no longer available, panic not. Get in touch at , and we can pop you on the waiting list. We will notify you as soon as slots are next available. 

So, what are you waiting for?  Go call our agents…even better, they’ll call you! But that does remind me, I think my remote is hanging around here somewhere, and a popular French TV show is whispering my name…

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