BLOOD WILL OUT (With the Proper Solvent)

BLOOD WILL OUT (With the Proper Solvent)

At long last, BLOOD WILL OUT (With the Proper Solvent), my satirical fantasy was published July 2021 and I had two book signings this year. Whew! Here’s the blurb:

In a more perfect world, what would it take to bring down corporate culprits bent on pillaging an ancient forest? In this one—a werewolf attorney, a vampire baroness, and a royal drop-out with more than a bit of magic on their side. To save their forest, they team up with a homeboy wolf from Brooklyn, an opinionated horse, two wizards, and a punk princess in tie-dye. Fangs are optional, wands and brooms not so much.

Many thanks to author Catriona McPherson, Nancy Wagner of Page & Spine, and other terrific authors who gave me such great reviews. And thanks, too, Harry for talking me off the ledge.

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