April is Self-Publishing Month!

April is Self-Publishing Month!

Announcing a month of events for indie authors

We’re pleased to announce that April is going to be dedicated to the indie revolution – featuring a whole month of webinars on everything from how to set up a book on Amazon to how to promote it without a budget. Below, see our top event picks coming up, as well as a guest piece from Sophie Flynn on why trad authors should attend these sessions too. These events are exclusive for members, so do join us now to take part in all of these, plus plenty more! 


WEBINARS THIS WEEK: Agents, expectations and funding for authors (Become a member to join) 

We have THREE webinars coming up this week: join six authors for ‘To Agent or Not to Agent’ TODAY; Debi Alper on ‘Managing Expectations’ on Saturday and Katy Massey on ‘Competitions and Funding UK’ on 15 March. Just register from the usual place! 


Top picks from Self-Publishing Month: 

Just like Getting Published Month, all these events are included in your membership! Simply register for the ones that pique your interest the most or catch up on replay later.  

9 April: How to self-publish on Amazon

This workshop explains the process in easy-to-grasp steps. Forget techy confusion. Just grab your pen and notebook and join Michelle Emerson for 60 minutes of KDP self-publishing simply explained. 


24 April: Ask an NYT bestselling author anything 

Marie Force has sold millions of books worldwide and built a very successful career from her writing. Come armed with questions for Marie about anything to do with her self-publishing journey. 


26 April: Marketing without a budget 

In this workshop, Kristina Adams will look at the different ways you can market your book – without spending a penny. We’ll explore if you should bother with blogging, the right – and wrong – ways to use social media, and how to engage with your audience using an email list. 


Members can register for all these events through their usual logged-in Webinar page. Non-members Рsimply join us to attend these events. 

Why all authors should learn self-publishing techniques – Sophie Flynn

I joined the Jericho Writers’ team this time last year, just as they were preparing for their two big events: Getting Published Day and Self-Publishing Day. I was asked to go to London to help out on-site (this was back in the times when we could hold events in real life!).  

At the time, I was desperately trying to get an agent, so was keen to attend Getting Published Day. I was less enthusiastic about Self-Publishing Day. I knew I wanted to follow a traditional route, so felt learning self-publishing skills would be irrelevant. 

Fast-forward 12 months and I now can safely say how wrong I was. 

While I did vaguely follow the traditional path (my debut novel ‘All My Lies’ will be published soon with Simon & Schuster) I can honestly say what has benefitted me most in the run-up to publication are the ‘self-publishing’ skills I’ve picked up through Jericho.  

Understanding things like how BookBub works, how to build a mailing list, why your book might end up in a seemingly bizarre and unrelated genre category on Amazon Рthese have been a lifeline during the rocky road to publication. Because whilst my publisher makes the decisions, at least I understand them.  

So, my tip to any writer wanting to be published Рno matter the route Рwould be this: learn every skill you can. You’ll feel more empowered and generate greater writing success for it, I promise. 

What do you think? Are self-publishing skills relevant to all authors? Sign up for free and share your thoughts in the Townhouse here. 

Sophie x 

Plus, don’t miss:

Agent 1-2-1 sessions for March and April (10% discount available for members)  

Bag yourself a fifteen-minute call with an agent or a book doctor to talk exclusively about your work. Now booking through March and April.  

Agent Submission Pack assessment (10% discount available for members)  

Getting rejected without feedback? Our expert editors can give you advice on your entire submission package to help you pinpoint what’s not working.  

Manuscript Assessment  (10% discount available for members) 

Our most popular editorial service matches you to your dream editor and gives you tailored feedback on your work. It doesn’t get better than that. 

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