Announcing NEW member events!

Announcing NEW member events!

There’s never been a better time to join Jericho Writers. 

We’re so excited to announce a NEW programme of live events kicking off next week, exclusive for members of Jericho Writers. This is the start of a very special year for members, with more opportunities to pitch your work to agents; more courses from top tutors and more feedback than ever before – all included.  

If you’re thinking of joining – now is the time. Join for a month or save over the year, with no lock-ins or hidden small print. We genuinely want to help you write, edit and publish your book (like we’ve helped these brilliant writers over the last fifteen years!) 


WEBINARS: Announcing our NEW member events! (FREE for members) 

On the back of the success of our Summer Festival of Writing, a Jericho Membership now includes access to over five webinars a month, featuring top agents, editors and experts on writing and publishing.  

Kicking off with a special event with our team, your autumn/winter could now include special feedback events, live courses and one-off workshops.  



What’s included in a Membership? 

WEBINAR: Slushpile LIVE with Sam Copeland (FREE for members) 

22 September 2020. Slushpile LIVE is back! We’re kicking off with one of the biggest agents in the UK, who will read members’ query letters and opening pages and give feedback live. Join now and submit yours before 15 September for the chance to have your work featured. 



FEEDBACK: Ask Jericho about your query letter (FREE for members) 

A hidden gem of the membership, submit your query letter to our team and we’ll give you feedback on it – all included when you become a member. 



VIDEO COURSES: How to Write, Getting Published and Self-Publishing (FREE for members) 

These professional video courses offer you everything you need to know to start writing and publishing. Watch them at your leisure, as you need – they’re yours when you join. 



ALSO: Members get access to… AgentMatch – our literary agent search engine. Masterclasses – filmed live at events. Features – with behind-the-scenes interviews with authors, agents and publishers. And Snapshots – quick five-minute tips. 

Exciting things are happening behind-the-scenes… 

Thanks to the tremendous success of the Summer Festival of Writing, we’re able to invest in some very exciting things – all soon to be free and forever available to our members.  

To kick things off, we’ve brought in Anna Burtt as our new Events Manager whose sole job is to bring experts to your door. She’s created a programme of 5+ live webinars every single month for the rest of the year, including old favourites and brand-new names. Going forward into 2021, Anna will be adding more and more live events to the membership, so you can connect with experts from all over the world. This all kicks off with a special ‘Ask Jericho Anything’ webinar on 14 September. 

One thing I’ve noticed when speaking to members is that not all of us learn the same way. A key thing I’m working on now is how to bring non-video content into the membership for next year, including transcripts for our key videos. I’m also looking to bring some new video courses to 2021 (perhaps with some exciting names attached – watch this space!). And – because we all love the chance to get feedback on our work – we’re looking into how to make this available exclusively to members, too. 

Change is coming and I couldn’t be more excited about it. Expect to see updates to the website as we introduce more stuff and make it super-easy to navigate. Until then – what do you want to see in the membership in the next year? How can we help you take your writing to the next level? Sign up for free to the Townhouse and share here. 

Sarah J x 

Plus, don’t miss the stuff members get discounts on:  

Manuscript Assessment  (Discounts available for members) 

Our most popular editorial service matches you to your dream editor and gives you tailored feedback on your work. It doesn’t get better than that. 

Complete Novel Mentoring (Discounts available for members) 

Write or edit your book alongside one of our expert mentors, including multi-bestselling authors and commissioning editors. 

Agent Submission Pack Review (Discounts available for members)

Our experts will review your query letter, synopsis and opening 10,000 words – perfect for anyone who needs actionable feedback on their agent pitch. 


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