And now, for something completely (well, somewhat) different . . . THE POTATOES OF DEFIANCE

And now, for something completely (well, somewhat) different . . . THE POTATOES OF DEFIANCE

Just published!  A compilation of some of my political commentary pieces, both fiction and non-fiction, THE POTATOES OF DEFIANCE addresses the current insane global political climate, mostly with humor, though not always.  This one just could not wait.  

Blurb: Sometimes we simply need to put on our metaphorical boxing gloves and big, clobbering boots and fight back: against the toxic critics in our heads; against misogyny and intolerance and stupidity; against prejudiced and disempowering ideology and tyrants (and their governments) that are revealed to be plainly insane. And, along with our defiance, if we can rustle up some hefty, well-deserved derision, we can prick the balloons of bombast and bigotry. Laughter truly is our best weapon.
(Now pass those hot potatoes.)

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