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A skinny little thing

A skinny little thing


There are weeks when everything flows, when the sun shines, when the traffic lights turn green on command, and the toast always falls butter-side up.

And – there are weeks of darkness, weeks of doom. Weeks when everything that could possibly go wrong does, and in exotically complicated ways.

I’ve had a week more like the second sort than the first, so I have decided to CHEAT you. You are used to a good old slab of a Friday email. A wodge of text. It might not be interesting, it might not be useful, but by heaven there are plenty of words there. Yadda, yadda, yadda. Print the damn things off and you could use them to light a fire, or build a shelter, or form into a brick solid enough to fell an attacker.

This email, by contrast, is a skinny little thing. A waif of the catwalk. A bones-sticking-out rescue pup. It has no content. No meat. No value. No heft.

But …

Ah, I’m not really going to let you down. So instead of a thousand words of blah, here’s a video instead.

The video is on HOW TO WRITE GOOD PROSE. It’s by me. It’s 45 minutes long. And it tells you exactly how to write commercially acceptable prose. Follow the rules that I give you, and no agent will reject your book for any inability to put a sentence together.

The video comes from our HOW TO WRITE video course that’s free to premium members. The course has 15 core modules altogether, and three of them deal with prose. This first video is about the basics. The next is about dealing with cliché. And the third has to do with writing great and magical prose (something that’s useful for any writer, but essential if you want to tickle the palates of more literary writers.)

So this week – I give you a video. I’m hoping that normal service will resume next week.

Til soon


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