Meet Your Match Returns

Meet Your Match Returns

Happy Friday lovely people! I come bearing some exciting news!

Later this month we will be bringing back our Meet Your Match campaign on Twitter. This is where we ask authors to tweet in with their elevator pitch and a member of our team will match them with an agent. If you like the proposed match, you can then book a one-to-one and speak to them directly! For one lucky author though, we’ll be giving away a free one-to-one session! 

But that doesn’t mean others won’t be lucky too. When we ran this back in February, agents were incredibly responsive and authors received a several full requests, so, it’s worth making sure your pitch is up to scratch! 

With that in mind – this time next week -we will be helping Premium Members prepare for the big event. I will be collating some excellent resources on perfecting your pitch, and our very own, Harry Bingham, will be using his ‘Office Hours’ on 13th October to provide feedback on Premium Member elevator pitches.  

To submit for review, simply join the Meet Your Match group page. Harry will post at 12pm to signal the start of his drop-in session. All you have to do is comment on the post. Harry will get through as many as he can, but don’t be shy to offer your opinion as well. Every little helps. 

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