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How to sell books on Amazon

How to sell books on Amazon

Self-Publishing month is go!

Self-Publishing month has officially started and we‚Äôre kicking off with live webinars focusing on how to set up your book and sell it on Amazon. Remember, these events are all FREE and exclusive to members ‚Äì and this newsletter also contains a small hint at why it may well be a very good time to join now…¬†

WEBINAR: How to self-publish on Amazon 

9 April. Forget overwhelm. Forget complicated. Forget techy confusion. Just grab your pen and notebook and join Michelle Emerson for 60 minutes of KDP self-publishing simply explained. 



This week on Jericho Writers:

WEBINAR: How to sell books by the truckload on Amazon 

12 April. Amazon is a great place to sell books, but most authors (and publishers) underutilize the free systems Amazon offers. This deep dive class will dig into all of the pieces that Amazon has to help you sell more books. 



BLOG: How to self-publish on Amazon KDP 

This is a jumbo post because it tells you everything you need to do and how to do it. Jump right in – and let’s get you self-publishing successfully via Amazon’s KDP platform. 


COURSE: The Self-Publishing video course 

This flagship video course teaches you how to create, price, and distribute your eBook – and how to market the heck out of it, without being pushy or annoying. Included for free in every membership.  


Jericho Writers is rebranding!

When you‚Äôve been going for as long as we have (eighteen years this Spring!) you need a little refresh every now and again. But above that ‚Äì it’s important to us that we continue to offer writers high-quality, genuinely useful advice in the best way possible. That‚Äôs why soon you‚Äôll see an exciting change of brand colours to this regular newsletter, plus a shiny new website!¬†

Last year, we asked you what you loved about Jericho Writers, and what could be improved. We’ve taken that feedback and incorporated it into a brand style that I really hope you’ll all feel proud to be a part of – one that celebrates and supports all creative writers across fiction and non-fiction, no matter their background.  

We also incorporated your feedback into the new website design. This includes a revamp of the members’ content area, making the 300 video tutorials; weekly live webinars; AgentMatch; and Ask Jericho easier to find. You‚Äôll also notice a vibrant new page style across the website, which has writing right at its heart ‚Äì just like us.¬†

You don’t need to do anything before the switch. At some point overnight, our elves will change things over and we’ll all wake to new colours. You’ll still have access to everything you do now Рit will just look a little better (and include some exciting new things!) 

Excited about the changes? Have any questions or concerns? Share your thoughts in the Community as usual, or drop us a line direct and we’ll help any way we can. We’re still the same team behind the scenes! 

Sarah J x 

Plus, don’t miss: 

Agent Submission Pack assessment (10% discount available for members)  

Getting rejected without feedback? Our expert editors can give you advice on your entire submission package to help you pinpoint what’s not working.  

Agent 1-2-1 sessions for April (10% discount available for members)  

Bag yourself a fifteen-minute call with an agent or a book doctor to talk exclusively about your work. Now booking throughout April. 

Manuscript Assessment  (10% discount available for members) 

Our most popular editorial service matches you to your dream editor and gives you tailored feedback on your work. It doesn’t get better than that. 

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