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How to get help with editing

How to get help with editing

A new set of eyes on your writing can work wonders 

Books are made in the editing process. But self-editing can only take us so far. A new perspective on our work can illuminate things we never would have seen ourselves and help take our writing to the next level. This newsletter spotlights the different ways writers can get editorial help on their work.  

Webinar: I’m an agent – Ask me anything! (Members only) 

15 April 6.30pm BST. Join Ben Clark from The Soho Agency for this intimate Ask Me Anything webinar. Ben will be on hand to answer questions on writing, submissions, publishing and the market as it stands right now. 




MASTERCLASS: How to self-edit your work – part one (FREE) 

Still at the self-editing stage? Watch part one of this mini-course based on the bestselling tutored course by Debi Alper, which has seen 1-in-4 alumni published.  



BLOG: What are the different types of editing? 

Sometimes, you need help nailing plot problems, and sometimes, you need a quick typo check before you submit that full to an agent. This blog explains the different types of editing, and what’s usually involved in each.  


MANUSCRIPT ASSESSMENTS: Get editorial advice on your entire book (10% discount for members) 

We work with ex-commissioning editors, agents and world-leading freelancers from all over the world. If you want detailed, professional advice on your entire manuscript, we can match you to your perfect editor (it’s what we do!) 


Content corner: How Jericho can help you write and edit that book 

I’ve learned more about writing from working one-to-one with an editor than I have from anything else in my career to date. Here’s how the team at JW can help you do the same:  

Manuscript Assessments. These are hugely popular at JW, and for good reason. Send in your full manuscript and JW will match it to its perfect editor for a 3000 word+ report covering style, structure, pacing, plot and character development (and, for non-fiction, everything relevant to your specific manuscript.) Similar to what you’ll get from an editor at a Big 5 publishing house. 

Opening Section Review. Maybe you’ve just started writing, and you’re not sure whether you should continue. Or – maybe pennies are tight right now, and you want feedback on a smaller scale. JW editors will read the first 20,000 words of your book, and give you a report on how to improve it. 

Agent Submission Pack Review. Getting rejections and don’t know why? JW editors will read your query letter, synopsis and opening 10,000 words.  

Copyediting, Line Editing and Proofreading. This is only recommended for those of you self-publishing or who have English as a second language. JW editors are here to check your book for inconsistencies, spelling and fact-checking.  

MentoringFor those of you still writing, or who need professional help as you self-edit your work – Jericho mentors include prize-winning authors, who will work with you on your book, every step of the way.  

What help do you seek when editing your work? And what are your tips for working with editors? Sign up for the Townhouse and share, here.  

Sarah J 

Plus, don’t miss: 

Self-Edit Your Novel Bursary (open to all) 

Win a free place on our upcoming June Self-Edit Your Novel tutored course – exclusively for under-represented writers.  

Complete Novel Mentoring (Discounts available for members) 

Work with one of four of our expert mentors when writing or editing your book – each with decades of experience (and prize-winning books!) 

Community Writing book club (Open to all) 

Join the Townhouse community for the next writing book club. This month, it’s The Science of Storytelling: Why Stories Make Us Human, and How to Tell Them Better by Will Storr. 


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