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Found Objects as Prompts for Flash Fiction | Julia Stone Guest Post

Found Objects as Prompts for Flash Fiction | Julia Stone Guest Post

Found objects can be great for kick-starting flash fiction ideas. Some years ago I studied fine art and I used to collect discarded items to inspire my sculptures and installations. I created a series based on rubbish from Brighton Beach and another on small plastic toys that I found. Each piece was accompanied by a flash fiction story inspired by the objects. At one stage I ended up with an accumulation of shopping lists and produced an artist’s book of photographs accompanied by my imagined backstories for each list: the people involved, their circumstances, their hopes or fears. It’s amazing how far a few words can take you! 

The images below show one of the lists and two very different objects that I found abandoned. Pick the object that appeals to you the most. Here are some prompt questions to help inspire your imagination.  

  • What first comes to mind when you look at the object?  
  • What emotions does it evoke?  
  • What questions does it raise?  
  • What is the obvious story ‘back story’?  
  • How can you turn that on its head to write something unexpected?  
  • Whose story is it?  
  • What is the story really about?  

Use your answers as jumping-off points and have fun! 

About Julia Stone 

Julia Stone applies her creativity in her work as a writer, ceramic artist, coach, supervisor and therapist. She has had a long career in psychology and psychotherapy and now works part-time. She loves learning and was recently thrilled to pass her Level 1 exams in British Sign Language. Her second book will be published by Orion Dash in 2022.

Her Little Secret is available in ebook, audio and paperback from Amazon.


Twitter: @julestake3 

Instagram: @julia.stone.writer 


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